Social Question

XOIIO's avatar

How about a new game for Fluther?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) May 3rd, 2011

There have been several games that people ask on Fluther, The Jelly Below Me, Alphabet games, and more. I figured I would try one

You have to think of something that only a certain kind of animal would know, in alphabetical order. For example, only a dog would know what dog food tastes like try to be more creative XD

Try to think of something that only that animal would know, be it a hiding place, a sensation, emotion, whatever comes to mind.

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10 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

Can you give us an example to start us off?

XOIIO's avatar

Only an arkwark would know waht tis like to have a two foot long toungue

yankeetooter's avatar


Only a bear would know what it’s like to sleep for months on end…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Only a cat would know what it’s like to be a pussy licking a pussy…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Only a giraffe would know what it’s like to have a ten foot neck.

yankeetooter's avatar

What happened to “D”, “E”, and “F”?

Stinley's avatar

only a dog would know that it feels like to wag your tail
only an elephant would know what it’s like not to forget
only a fawn would know what it’s like to be an animal and a colour

phew, that’s alphabetics restored. my librarian brain could not compute
Who’s up for H?

yankeetooter's avatar

Only a hyena knows what it’s like to laugh so much…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Only an iguana knows what it’s like to be a superjumping badass pet.

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