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mazingerz88's avatar

What image scares you the most?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29323points) May 15th, 2011

It could be that of a monster or a natural disaster or something else unique to you. It could be a photo or a scene, real or fictional. It may come from the past or a recent event and you hope never to see it. Whatever it is can you describe it visually?

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23 Answers


I could name many, but the “live image” of those unfortunate, innocent people falling from the burning World Trade Center Towers during 9/11 really made me sick and heartbroken. To think what they faced and suffered that day is really unimaginable. :(

Trojans40's avatar

Blue Waffle.

TexasDude's avatar

I’ve seen all kinds of disturbing images and gorey shit without batting an eyelash, but pictures of car wrecks freak me out more than anything.

Berserker's avatar

I have a severe weakness for emotionless faces staring through windows.

Also, while I can see violence and gore no prob, I can’t stand to hear a person suffering or dying, even if most of my experience when it comes to that relegates itself to online footage. It ain’t like in horror flicks man lol.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I was going to say the news of the death of a loved one, that doesn’t fall into the Scare category. Either we know that it is coming or it is sudden and unexpected. ‘Scare’ is associated with impending doom. @MRSHINYSHOES has given a great example in watching the burning of the World Trade Center.

Currently, what scares me the most is that it is tornado season here. For a week straight, the sirens were going off some time during the day. While at least there is a bit of a warning, we never know if one will touch down or where it will hit. There are no basements or shelters. We just sit it out until the sirens stop, and then go inspect for damage.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I once saw a picture of my grandmother’s brother-in-law. he married her sister and he was the “cliched” abusive man. He regularly beat her, would often disappear for days on end, and the family suspects he may have sexually abused the girls.

He was the most normal looking man you would see. It was terrifying for me to see this picture of a normal looking man and know all that he had done to his wife and his family.

mazingerz88's avatar

The scariest images I will always have in my mind came from horror films. It’s always the same, that of a female vampire with her eyes closed, wearing a long flowing white dress floating towards me, long hair gently swaying, the only color I could see is her blood red lips, which gently opens revealing pearl white fangs. She then opens her eyes and just like her wardrobe and canines, it is all white…

YARNLADY's avatar

Warning, these images are very graphic:

Suffering children

Kardamom's avatar

I can’t even answer this question, because it would mean that I would have to conjer up those horrific images and then contend with the feelings they bring up in me. Sometimes I can’t get bad images out of my mind for a very long period of time. So for this question, I shall pass.


@YARNLADY That is just horrible. Doesn’t even look real. Do you know what the circumstances were that caused such suffering to this poor baby?

ddude1116's avatar

I can’t handle anything bad happening to animals. It’s odd, because I’d like to do all I can to help people, but it doesn’t conjure up any sort of emotion when I hear about what I’d need to help them with. A starving animal, though, is the emotional equivalent of being sucker punched. Anytime I hear about some horrific thing happening to animals, or see it anywhere, I feel just a bit sick and saddened.. Otherwise, there are just random things that freak me out, like the giant painting of Albert Einstein’s face on the wall of my Algebra teacher’s room.

Ladymia69's avatar

@ddude1116 I am totally with you on the animal thing. I cannot abide to see any animal suffering, in pain, etc. I just can’t…

I am going to stop following and move on to the next question now…

KatawaGrey's avatar

@ddude1116: I often equate animal suffering with child suffering and I think it’s because neither of them can properly look after themselves and so can’t know what’s happening to them. It’s one thing if an adult is suffering because they know why and they might be able to stop it, but an animal or a child is being hurt, they don’t know why and they can’t do anything.

YARNLADY's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES It’s called Harlequin type ichthyosis because of the distinctive skin pattern

ddude1116's avatar

@KatawaGrey I relate it more to their innocence, but yes, that’s it entirely. Though, it depends on the circumstances, adults can be tricked as much as animals and children can..


@YARNLADY First time I ever heard about this disease. How gross and horrible. And looks extremely painful. Personally, I think death would be a better option than living with such a grotesque and unbearable condition. Thanks for the info.

ucme's avatar

The look on the wife’s face at 4am when i’ve just woken her because I heard a scary noise in the cupboard. Whatever beast from hell may lurk in there, it’s got nothing on that truly horrific vision. A mass of twisted rage compounded by bedhead the likes of which no man should ever clap their eyes on. In the bedroom, no one can hear you scream! :¬(

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OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m with @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard images of car or motorbike wrecks leave me terrified because I automatically picture myself or someone I love in that situation. I can dwell on such an image for days and have sleepless night because of it.

TexasDude's avatar

@Leanne1986, that’s exactly what happens to me…

flutherother's avatar

This picture or one like it that we have not yet seen is something we should all be afraid of.

ddude1116's avatar

@flutherother …the horror…the horror…

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