General Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

What is the journalist's name that is known for his passive-aggressive interviewing?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) July 13th, 2011

I think that he was French and that he would often go and interview serial killers and other people in jail – he would be really passive aggressive with them and they wouldn’t know that he was really just twisting their words in one way or another.

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7 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Geraldo Rivera?

FutureMemory's avatar

Geraldo isn’t French.

filmfann's avatar

She wasn’t certain.

trickface's avatar

Louis Theroux is a very english interviewer and criminals are one of his most popular groups to interview, he also does prostitutes, space-freaks, gangsters and other general weirdos based in the USA.

However he is not really passive aggressive at all, actually very passive and almost tries to befriend the subject, in all but the most extreme cases (neo-nazi threatening to beat him immediately because he’s a jew) he is very understanding, by acting this way he gains a lot of interesting insight from the point of view of these weirdos.

He is fantastic, but he’s neither french nor passive aggressive, though he does happily interview murderers now and again.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@trickface : YOU FOUND IT!
Thank you! :D My bad, he isn’t French… oh well.

atomicmonkey's avatar

His name sounds French. He did well with the Westboro Baptists, I thought. His ‘Weird Weekends’ DVDs are well worth hunting down. I enjoy his faux naive style.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Louis Theroux?? He isn’t at all “in your face”...! He is actually one of the most respectful journalists I have ever seen….he takes tremendous risks, though and has put himself in some fairly hairy situations. I cringe sometimes….wondering if he is going to get out of some situation (like when he goes to this swingers night in California) or to a place where they rehab pedophiles. He isn’t afraid to ask hard questions, but he does it so quietly and unassumingly that people tell him everything. It doesn’t hurt that he looks about 18 and everyone’s younger brother.

I love Louis….but he is hardly a pit bull. And he isn’t at all passive-aggressive. He is very direct in a sort of Clark Kent way….love you, Lou.

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