Social Question

pashley_108's avatar

What do you want to accomplish in your life?

Asked by pashley_108 (410points) July 22nd, 2011

I would like to accomplish a lot of things in life like, getting a good job I enjoy, having a family.. What bout you?

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26 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

My main goal in life is to do something that warrants a Wikipedia article being written about me.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I am hoping to accomplish a lot as well. Have a good enjoyable job, start a family, maybe even get married to ‘the one’, travel the world, expand my blog, be loved and have a spare job as a photographer :)

pashley_108's avatar

@nailpolishfanatic that’s kinda the same as me I want to travel the world to, go places iv never been.

AshLeigh's avatar

I want to write a Wikipedia article about @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard. ;)

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@pashley_108 Don’t forget eat good food from all those countries :)

YARNLADY's avatar

I have everything I ever wanted. I am now happy to sit back and enjoy the days I have left.

pashley_108's avatar

@nailpolishfanatic yes forgot bout that!, always wanted to try unusual things you dont usually. Alway wanted to try guinea pig..

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@pashley_108 Ohh wow guinea pig… hmm interesting. Let me know how it goes.
I always want to try out the BEST traditional foods. – like here in Iceland its okay to eat shark and all those fishes with strange facial structures brrrrr… Never tried those and NEVER will.
But if it looks nice and smells good then I will definitely give it a try.

Facade's avatar

My main goal in life is to be happy. I used to have dreams of being a rich businesswoman, but that’s no longer attractive to me.

Mariah's avatar

My lofty, unlikely dream is to design rovers for NASA.
Because I know how unlikely this is, I am starting to work on accepting that it won’t happen, and it is becoming less important to me. Increasingly, I only want to be very competent in whatever field I do end up in. And I’m learning to value my happiness, and being happy is starting to become important to me, after hardly caring about it at all for most of my life.

Scooby's avatar

Inner piece. :-/

TexasDude's avatar

@AshLeigh believe me, I’ve tried before. My entry was always removed within a few seconds.

AshLeigh's avatar

Well that’s a pooch in the butt. :(

incendiary_dan's avatar

Living. Like, for reals.

pashley_108's avatar

@nailpolishfanatic sounds good, and fair enough. I love to try new things would try anything, and i will tell ya how it tastes like when i do. The most distgusting food iv ever eating would have to be kangaroo, eww the look taste and smell hate it!!!

Berserker's avatar

Conquer the world.

AstroChuck's avatar


linguaphile's avatar

I’d love to get my doctorate with enough time afterwards to do something substantial with it. Some people say “never too late” but I have no interest in the doctorate if I don’t do something with it.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@pashley_108 haha. Kangaroo sounds ehh…
I think the weirdest food i’ve ever tried would have to be a rabbit. – the wild ones. It was okay.

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incendiary_dan's avatar

@pashley_108 A lot of people have bad experiences with game meats because many times they’re not prepared properly. They often need some aging and slower cooking.

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incendiary_dan's avatar

Snapping turtle. They’re good with barbecue sauce.

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incendiary_dan's avatar

Funny thing: it tastes like several other animals. I mostly ate the neck, which I felt was reminiscent of tilapia. My friend proclaimed that the “arm-pit” area tasted like turkey dark meat. At least a couple of parts tasted like chicken.

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