Social Question

_zen_'s avatar

Has Facebook completely changed the way we live?

Asked by _zen_ (7857points) August 5th, 2011

I spent a little time on Facebook recently.

I keep comparing my interaction with it, and with my “friends” there – and the stuff I’ve “liked” – with real life – or rather, with life sans FB.

A question here just got me thinking. The question is: How do you remove someone from “My Family”.


I’m sure that question makes sense in an FB technical way – but, seriously?

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12 Answers

Jellie's avatar

Oh yes. For those that do use it and love it (like me) I think it has changed us and the way we live. We are generally more informed on people we don’t even know that well. We feel the need to advertise everything we do and how we’re feeling as well. Like are we in a relationship, bored, where we are. Life is a lot less personal now. Some people don’t even consider anything official until it’s been recorded on FB.

Also I seem to be getting a lot of my news from FB a recent example is the death of Amy Winehouse. Found out through updated statuses.

AshLeigh's avatar

What if real life was like Facebook? You could just click “Home” and be home… Or I could click on “Nick” and be in Aransas, wherever he is. O.o
Now THAT would chage the way we live. :)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I don’t think it’s changed the way we live, but I do believe that Facebook has changed the way many people use the Internet. It’s now a tool for social interaction on a global scale rather than just a means to gather and disseminate information. Facebook has proven to be instrumental in political change as well.

The whole idea of social networking on the Internet is really a mirror of humanity in general. We are social animals.

Jeruba's avatar

Not the way I live. In my life it’s somewhere between peripheral and irrelevant. And I’ve never clicked “like” on anything at all. I don’t care to have that sort of data gathered on me.

boxer3's avatar

I don’t have facebook!
above the influence!! haha.
It’s pretty damn popular.

Cruiser's avatar

I say the internet as a whole has change a LOT on how people conduct their lives. FB is just another stepping stone into a future of people glued to computers.

Plucky's avatar

Yes, Facebook and other social networking sites have changed the way we live. It helps us stay connected without actually physically connecting. I think it hinders us more than anything though. Yes, we are more connected but it’s almost at a superficial level. I don’t know, there are pros and cons to it I guess.

Here are some interesting articles on the subject (just a sample there are many out there):
Discovery News
SocialNetworking LovetoKnow
The Telegraph
The Effect of Social Networking Sites – long but a good read.

As for your question about removing someone from My Family: Go to your profile, find the Family list on the left side of the page, scroll your pointer over the Family box will see a little blue pencil appear to the right of the title “Family”, click on it and that will take you to a page to edit your family; you can remove them from there by clicking on the “x” to the right of their names and information. Hope it helps. :)

MilkyWay's avatar

I don’t let it change the way I live.

gailcalled's avatar

I find it useful only for the crossword forum, Otherwise, the lure is a mystery to me.

YARNLADY's avatar

Probably. I don’t have a Facebook account, but other family members often give me messages from it.

Hibernate's avatar

I tell to my friends who use Facebook : “You spend too much time with it and you forget about real interaction”. Most do not agree but I see the changes in them when we meet together. I mean after each meeting all they think is about getting home and “post” about what they did or where they went. I know not all who use Facebook acts like this but it doesn’t matter.

Berserker's avatar

Maybe some people. I often hear dramatic stories about people on Facebook, how they treat one another and how important it is to them.
Nothing new that I haven’t ever seen or participated in; in real life. It just never ceases to baffle me how it’s all on the Internet now.
I’ve heard of a huge, dramatic event going on between some people in a certain Goth community, centering itself mostly around one person who manipulates and fucks people over. But it’s all mostly happening on Facebook…maybe I got the wrong plane, but I thought being Goth was something you did outside.
Doesn’t change my life though, I barely do anything on Facebook.

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