Social Question

rebbel's avatar

If you introduced a new move to figure skating, what would it consists of?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) October 29th, 2011

The skaters make triple Lutzes, double Rietbergers, quadruple Axels, etc.
Suppose you were a figure skater and you invented a new move which would get your name, what would the moves be?
The triple rebbel would be three consecutive sommersaults ending in the boarding.

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10 Answers

lloydbird's avatar

The Backsplatt.
Consisting of a summersault ( forward,backward,single,double etc.) resulting in a horizontal landing (the height from being optional) onto the ice, that results in a good splatt sound being produced, and with a good slide to a halt.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think a good cross check would be a nice move in the pairs events.

lillycoyote's avatar

The Literati. It would consist of lying on my stomach, with my elbows propped up, on the ice, holding a book and reading. I’m not very athletic and kind of lazy on top of that. And I assure you, I’m under no illusion that my new move would be much of a crowd pleaser.

GracieT's avatar

@lillycyote, “And here comes @GracieT, performing the newest move to hit skating, the Literati! The crowd goes wild! Does she ever do anything else?”. I REALLY emphatize!

wundayatta's avatar

you know how in pairs the guy will pick up the girl and lift her and then throw her spinning in the air?

Well my jump would be kind of like that, except the skater would be solo, jump up into the air, spin around three times in a horizontal position with arms out, and then land on a back outside edge.

Utterly breathtaking!

You didn’t say it had to be possible, did you?

lillycoyote's avatar

@GracieT LOL. Maybe we can petition the Olympic Committee to make it a separate event, in addition to individual men’s and women’s, pairs skating, ice dancing and speed skating. We need at least one more competitor so they they can at least award a Gold, Silver and Bronze.


The Triple Klutz. Skaters who fall on the jump three times end up looking like idiots. Lol.

woodcutter's avatar

Something from the Kama Sutra in pairs of course.

Berserker's avatar

Zombie Axe Kick. It might get famous for being able to play words on it, and changing it to asskick. Wtf am I talking about?

woodcutter's avatar

@Symbeline I was so hoping for one of your diddy’s right there.

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