Social Question

Magical_Muggle's avatar

Has your friend said something bitchy about you to your face?

Asked by Magical_Muggle (2265points) November 6th, 2013

My friend always tells me, I HAVE to win at everything. It arose from us playing totem tennis (the one when it is hooked to the spring) and I won. I said “Oh, I think I won! :)” and she goes, “yeah because you always have to win don’t you”, she then storms off. I of course am now stuck with her brother and mine.

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9 Answers

illusionslies's avatar

No but I wish they did.
They’d rather talk behind my back like most people do.

Once, this guy called me self-centered and egoistic. I didn’t take it seriously because he was a religious hypocrite who was known for his fake attitude toward everyone. I simply agreed with his statement of me being self-centered. And I suggested that everybody is.

Smitha's avatar

Never, my friends are not so mean and selfish. If my friends spoke to me like this then they are definetly out of my list. I think you should find new friends. You deserve to be treated nicely, dont waste your time on the wrong person.

AshLeigh's avatar

This is why I don’t have friends.

downtide's avatar

No. People who do that, I don’t call them friends. Friends give constructive criticism but they’re not bitchy like that.

She is not your friend.

And there is nothing wrong with a desire to win.

JLeslie's avatar

None of my friends have been bitchy like that, but I have had friends be honest when I have asked and on occassion it was something hard to hear.

My sister has done that to me a couple of times. She was going through her own difficulties.

JLeslie's avatar

@IheartMypuppy Just curious, do you need to win? Or, maybe just a bad winner in general? I am not assuming, but if it is the truth maybe either own it or change it. My husband hates losing and it is like a joke in the fanily. Not a mean joke, just something we smile and laugh about. He gets in such a bad mood if he loses.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

No, I wasn’t a bad winner, She was in a crap mood that day, sometimes she is, she is a bit weird like that, one day she is your absolute bestie, then the next day she is in such a bad mood, then the next she thinks you are a bitch for keeping away from her on the second day, then the next day she won’t forgive you for some little argument or joke she didn’t find funny, but more offensive because it involved her, or even for no reason, then she forgets it ever happened and the school week is over, I just stay out of her way when she’s in a crap mood

downtide's avatar

@IheartMypuppy it sounds like she has some issues that need to be addressed by a professional. If her moods are affecting her relationships with others she needs help.

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