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jsammons's avatar

Have you ever felt like you just want to start walking and see where you end up?

Asked by jsammons (1143points) June 11th, 2014

The thought of just picking up what little I have and just leave to see where the wind takes me has always been in my mind, but it has been a lot more so lately. There’s the obvious issues with food/shelter and I’d be homeless if I did this, but when I think about it, I feel like I would be happier doing that than what I am now. Has anyone else ever felt this way and, if so, what did you do to curb the feeling?

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36 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

As a teenager I bought a monthly bus pass and stayed on the bus as it changed its number and I explored Edmonton and took a cab home. As an adult I don’t like exploring anymore, I prefer comfortable bed with the television on. NHL(National Hockey League) finals are this week.

jsammons's avatar

Were you just taking in the sights or were you trying to figure something out? I just moved across the U.S. in hopes that a new location near friends would put this feeling to rest, but it’s still there. Also, enjoy the NHL finals :).

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I always liked going into the woods, spinning around several times, then trying to dead reckon out of the woods. Never tried it cross country. NY Rangers drew first blood.

jsammons's avatar

I moved from the west (Arizona) back east (Florida) and I’m glad to have the forests around again. I always spent a fair amount of time in the woods as a kid. Go Rangers!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jsammons You’d love the Adirondacks. Forest forever. And the Kings just came within an inch of tying it up.

jsammons's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I had never heard of the Adirondacks so I just looked it up and man, that looks awesome! Definitely the type of place I would like to visit and get lost in! How much longer left in the match?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

There’s the obvious issues with food/shelter and I’d be homeless if I did this,..]
If you did it after you have amassed several millions you can eat at any restaurant and sleep in nice hotels and never be hungry or on the street.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jsammons 3 minutes in the first. I love the place, so that’s why my name. If you ever get a chance it’s an amazing place. And there is amazing food and culture, not just nature.

jsammons's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Haha, that would be ideal and I wish it was that easy. I don’t see that happening anytime soon though. I’m happy with modest means though, I don’t have to have anything fancy.

jsammons's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I can see why you would and I will most definitely visit it if I ever end up in that area! That’s kinda what I mean too by just walking. I could just start walking to the Adirondack and experience it and then start walking somewhere else to experience something different. I think it’s a thirst for adventure that I have.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The Northville to Lake Placid trail might interest you. It’s a long hike, 140 miles I think. Blue Mountain Lake also has the Adirondack Museum, and Tupper Lake has the Wild Center. Plus there are all the Olympic venues that they use all the time. 4th of July I can watch ski jumping or the horse show, 1200 horses total.

kritiper's avatar

No. Where ever I go, there I am.

jsammons's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Wow man, that sounds like the place to be. I bookmarked a page for Adirondack because I don’t want to forget about it. I’ll definitely make my way there at some point. I didn’t realize until a second look that the area of the mountains is almost 19k sq. miles.

josie's avatar

You mean sort of like Bowe Bergdahl?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jsammons It’s 6 million acres, It’s huge.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Now 2–1. The Ranger’s defense could use some work.

jsammons's avatar

@josie I actually didn’t know who Bowe Bergdahl was so I looked him up and I have to say, that sounds pretty accurate to how I feel. I would really like to live in a small self-sustained community or something of the sort, but from what I understand that’s becoming increasingly illegal.

jsammons's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I haven’t seen a hockey game in the longest time and the ones that I’ve been to were just local ones when I was a kid (Greenville Growl was the team). Do you follow it a lot?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I subscribe to the hockey package on Direct TV. I’ve been a rabid fan from college on.

dxs's avatar

No I’ve never thought of this, but it sounds like something I’d (want to) do!

jsammons's avatar

@dxs I think it would be fantastic! I want to do this so badly, but I worry about food and leaving my roommate stuck with bills. I don’t have any furniture as it is besides my PC, desk, and chair so that’s not an issue. What’s holding you back?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. Sometimes I’m curious of a road/location that I haven’t been to before, so I just go there and see where it will take me.

And one day I had to pay for that: I was so curious of a road that I went there. I never knew that the road had so many turns. It made me more and more curious so I took every turn in sight. After a while I realized that I was lost. After endless “asking for direction” I finally found the way out, only to find out that I had spent 1 hour and a half there.

dxs's avatar

@jsammons If only I had nothing left to loose. Maybe I can embark on a mini journey. Well, I know where these streets lead to anyway…

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve done this driving, many times. My biggest turned out to be from Missouri to Las Vegas by way of Mexico. At least I had my car to sleep in and keep me dry.

jsammons's avatar

@dxs You definitely should! I think seeing where it could all lead is the most exciting part.

jsammons's avatar

@ibstubro When I was moving from Arizona to Florida, drove all the way in a couple of days alone with the few things I have. It was very peaceful on the highway through New Mexico and Texas where there’s not much around and I immediately wanted to get out of the cities when I was around them.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m good with your car being your home, but not so much with being at the mercy of the elements, @jsammons.

jsammons's avatar

@ibstubro I could definitely live with my car being my home, but I ran out of money while finding a job after moving and it was repossessed about a week before I started my current job. It’s a crappy situation but it could always be worse.

ucme's avatar

Reminds me of Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction, who basically wanted to “walk the earth…like Caine from Kung Fu”
Not for me, there ain’t no yellow brick road round here & if there was it’d most likely lead to a beach.

jsammons's avatar

@ucme That part from Pulp Fiction always comes to mind when I’m feeling this way actually and I think it would be an extraordinary way to live life. Sure, it would have its ups and downs, more than likely more downs than ups, but at least then I would know, right?

ucme's avatar

@jsammons For sure, only way to taste the lollipop is to lick it.

Berserker's avatar

Just wanted to chime in with the NY Rangers crowd. :D even though they beat my team haha

Berserker's avatar

Dang it I don’t want no Kings with the cup.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I haven’t looked at the Kings payroll but there aren’t any bigger crooks than the Rangers when it comes to games to exceed the cap.

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