General Question

deaddolly's avatar

Any John Waters fan out there?

Asked by deaddolly (3431points) September 25th, 2008

He did Hairspray…but I prefer his earlier work with Divine. Female Trouble, Desperate Living, Pink Flamingos. Which is your fave?

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5 Answers

dalepetrie's avatar

I’m sure you won’t be suprised that I am. And though his earlier work, Pink Flamingos, does stand out for it’s complete lack of gloss, My favorite of his movies is actually one of his more current. Cecil B. Demented. I thought it was the funniest movie he ever made, and hey, once you’ve seen one drag queen eat dogshit, you really kind of lose your ability to be entertained solely by shock value. Which by the way is a title of a very good book he wrote (Shock Value: A Tasteful Book About Bad Taste). If you haven’t read it, you really should.

deaddolly's avatar

Yes, I have it. I love Waters. He’s so funny. I should’ve known you’d like him.

My fave is Desperate Living…the sex change thing when she cuts her penis off and throws it out the window is great! Also, I forgot which movie, but when Divine get the ‘rosary job’
in church.

generalspecific's avatar

Yes, because he has an awesome name :)

(my name is lauren waters)

Lazario's avatar

2 of my all-time favorite movies were directed by him: Serial Mom and Polyester. I also find his Hairspray and Pink Flamingos to be 2 of the most amazing and horrifying movies I’ve ever witnessed.

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