General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Have you ever procrastinated yourself out of a job, or something else important like that?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) October 27th, 2008

I always push things off until the last second, and sometimes past it. I’ll always do the fun stuff up until I have to do the boring stuff. I don’t want to do fun things for a job, because I’m convinced that having deadlines would take all the fun out of it. Sometimes I worry at myself, and keep saying I ought to be doing that, but I don’t listen to that voice much.

I’ve always managed to avoid serious consequences from procrastination, and have come to view deadlines as a kind of advisory thing. But maybe you have procrastinated too much? What happened?

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6 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

I procrastinated myself out of the state science fair once! I forgot and forgot and forgot to get my permission slip signed to go, so go I did not!

It was a shame, too, because I had a really good project and probably one of the only entrants in that category. (State level being after school and tri-county levels.)

Knotmyday's avatar

I procrastinated myself out of a girlfriend once. I saw her the other day, though, and silently thanked my lucky stars.

deaddolly's avatar

Depends on what it is. I procrastinate a lot…not for stuff that really matters tho. I think it’s a matter of if you really, really want to do something or not-so-much…

aneedleinthehayy's avatar

I’m procrastinating getting a second job as we speak.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I make Christmas painful for myself every year by not allowing enough time to get gifts, get he house cleaned, and cook. As a result, my Martha Stewartesque version of Christmas usually results in me having a melt-down, and everyone having a lovely time but wondering if I’m mental.

augustlan's avatar

The worst results of my procrastinating have all been financial things. The least: I am always letting coupons expire before I use them. The most common: Paying bills late, resulting in late fees. The worst: At least 3 times I have missed out on substantial rebates by not submitting the forms in time.

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