General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Are your kids at Twilight tonight?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 18th, 2008

My daughter is a Twilight fanatic. She has avidly read every book, and is out to see the pre-opening or grand opening night of the movie.

So do you have kids that are as crazy about this as mine? Do they go and stand for hours in line to see the star of the movie? Collect moviw paraphenalia? What’s it like?

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16 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Is that movie finally coming out??? i am so sick of seeing all this advertisement for it.

shrubbery's avatar

I love the Twilight books and am super excited for the movie (weird for me, usually a bit apprehensive about movies adapted from books, but this one doesn’t actually look too bad!) buuuuut it isn’t coming out until the 11th of December here. Phooey. The only books/movies I did the whole fanatic thing for were the Harry Potters in about grade 4.

I actually never wanted to read the Twilight books, they never appealed to me and I hate doing stuff just because everyone else does it, but I have to admit that when I actually did read them I was hooked and could see why there is such a huge fandom out there. They are great and as I said, the movie looks good too and will hopefully entice more people to read the books, though then again, maybe it’s just been hyped up too much and it will be crap. I’ll just have to wait and see… til the 11th…. no fair =P

shockvalue's avatar

I hate twilight for pushing back Harry Potter. Hate is a strong word, I know. But if you ask me, it’s not strong enough.

shockvalue's avatar

I’ve got two words for Twilight: Avada Kedavra

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I didn’t know Twilight was that popular. Is it truly rivaling Harry Potter? If so, I’m disconnected because I hadn’t ever heard about the books until I saw a preview for the movie. Harry Potter was such a huge deal that there’s no way I couldn’t have heard about the books.

Lurve for “Avada Kedavra”. ;)

stevenb's avatar

Twilight did not push Harry back, they moved up the release date of Twilight because Harry was moved back till June.

shrubbery's avatar

I don’t think it could ever rival Harry Potter. It’s completely different, and I could safely bet that the fan base is mostly girls, whereas Harry Potter would be evenly spread, if not more boys.

And it did not push the release of the new Harry Potter movie back. Twilight was always coming out at this time, and Harry Potter should have been coming out too but they’re greedy and wanted more money so pushed it to your summer holidays.

dynamicduo's avatar

Two members of my family are obsessed with these books. I was lent the first one but didn’t make it past four pages of the first chapter… a somewhat unpleasant consequence to reading in my bed is I fall asleep quickly. I intend to give it another read now that my sibling is done with it. I too have heard of it being compared to HP but I was surprised how I wasn’t hooked immediately as I was with HP.

On a related note, my mother similarly couldn’t get through Harry Potter. She didn’t make it past half of the first book. She loves the movies though. I have the same reaction to this as some people do with me and Twilight. Some hooks just don’t catch all the fish I guess :)

shockvalue's avatar

C’mon. don’t take my scapegoat.

generalspecific's avatar

I read this two years ago and was surprised when people got all into it this year.
It was okay, a nice little fluffy teen girl read, but definitely nothing special. I probably won’t go see the movie.

stevenb's avatar

I just read all four books in the last two weeks. They were a bit fluffy, like generalspecific said, but I still enjoyed them. I will go see it, but I’m not standing in lines for it.

augustlan's avatar

My oldest loves the books and wants to see the movie, but she’s not in any big hurry. She’ll go when she and all of her friends can go together, and with all of their schedules that’s not an easy feat.

melly6708's avatar

hmm… well my 13 yr old niece is OBSESSED with it.. i mean beyond..(read all the books.. bunch of twilight shirts.. posters.. EVERYTHING) shes all excited about it.. but i think shes going to wait and go on the 28th.. her bday…... i myself havent read any of the books but they do seem interesting.. i might ask her to let me borrow some. :)

stevenb's avatar

I will be in a couple of hours.

gymnastchick729's avatar

Aren’t most of the HP fans the same as Twilight fans? and vice versa? Why is there a rivalry, I know im addicted to both.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@gymnastchick729 how are they the same? One is a good series for all ages and genders, the other is written for 13 year old girls.

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