General Question

Jeruba's avatar

What problems are so trivial that you don't even want to hear about them?

Asked by Jeruba (55882points) December 18th, 2008

We’ve got some weighty things on our minds these days. Hardly anyone from millionaire to pauper can afford to ignore the headlines because we’re all affected.

Under these conditions, are there certain kinds of complaints and problems that you just don’t have patience for any longer, that you wish people would just quit talking about? Or do folks’ minor frets and worries, your own and others’, serve as welcome distractions from catastrophes that are too big for our little minds to think about?

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17 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I don’t worry so much anymore about the neighbor who let’s their f’n dog pee on the bushes right near my front steps. It just isn’t that important anymore.

dynamicduo's avatar

I tried really hard to think of something, and I can’t find one thing. Knowledge is power, and every experience provides knowledge of some sort. I would rather be informed about all problems, no matter how small, than to live in ignorance of the problem. I was going to say something along the lines of “listening to a person’s work gossip problems”, but even that is a condition where I would be learning something about how humans function.

Hmm… maybe this is one reason why I love Q&A sites so much…!

loser's avatar

I got really irritated the other day hearing about how one of my coworkers couldn’t find her favorite eyeliner anywhere. Does that count?

tonedef's avatar

Ahhh… first world problems.

“twitter’s down!”

scamp's avatar

Sit in sometime on a conversation between my SO and I. He worries about everything under the sun. I don’t want to hear most of these things because he is usally inventing an imaginary scenario and thinking about the worst. While it’s good to be prepared and have some options ready, it’s unhealthy to make up scenarios and worry needlessly.

I don’t like to fuss over a problem that doesn’t exsist. I’ll save my worry and concern for something real. It’s kind of like saying if it aint broke, don’t fix it…. well if there is no real ( like missing eyeliner, ha ha!!) problem, don’t worry!!

seekingwolf's avatar

I don’t worry about gossip about me around the campus. There isn’t much…one girl I know was going around saying how I was a b___ for not gasp letting her copy off my lab report.

Honestly, I don’t care, because the people who actually matter to me (professors, family, off-campus bf) probably won’t hear it, and even if they did, eh, they know the source isn’t credible.

Jeruba's avatar

@seekingwolf, you mean you want professors and others you care about to believe you would let her copy off your lab report? Sorry, but I am having trouble with that one.

scamp's avatar

@Jeruba I think she is saying she doesn’t care that another student calls her a bitch because she isn’t worth her worry. She is being called that for not letting her copy.

She is more concerned with the professors and her family and friends who know the truth about her, which is the fact that she is honest.

seekingwolf's avatar

^ Yeah, what scamp said. Thanks :)

Jeruba's avatar

<whirr clunk thud> I’m ok now. Thanks.

asmonet's avatar

Nails breaking, gaining two pounds, and a patch of dry skin no one, and I mean NO ONE can see.

I hear those three every day I work from my dumb ass boss. It’s gotten to the point that I have begun flat out saying, “I do not under and circumstances care, nor will I ever.” to her face.

And yet, she persists.

Jeruba's avatar

Well, @Asmonet, maybe her nails will break off completely from scratching off two pounds of dry skin, and then you can just go around smiling mysteriously to yourself.

asmonet's avatar

Let it be known, I laughed out loud.

Thank you, Jeruba. I might just think of this the next time she starts in on herself.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

like 80% of the problems one of my friends complains about every day

Seeker767's avatar

I would rather not hear smalltime drama; who’s going out with who; gossip (usually to rile people up); pseudo reverse sarcasm that one person continues to joke about throughout the day; and finally those prerecorded telemarketing calls that say something like “press 1 for us to connect you to someone off shores” Stuff like that.

augustlan's avatar

“Mom, she won’t stop looking at me…make her leave the room.”
“Mom, she started it!”
“Mommy, big sister and middle sister won’t stop fighting.”

I have 3 daughters.

Strauss's avatar

@augustlan I can relate. I have a set of 22-year-old twins, and a 9 year old. When the twins graduated and moved out I thought I was done with that kind of bickering. Now one of the twins has run on hard times economy being what it is and he had to move back in. He and his 9 year old sister bicker so you can’t tell who is 9 and who is 22!

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