General Question

casheroo's avatar

Parents, Do you kiss your children on the lips?

Asked by casheroo (18111points) March 3rd, 2009

Do you kiss your children on the lips?
If so, how old are your children?
Did you used to, but stopped once they got to a certain age? How old is too old?

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64 Answers

peyton_farquhar's avatar

My mom and dad kissed me on the lips.

eponymoushipster's avatar

I would never kiss my parents on the lips. weird.

KrystaElyse's avatar

I kissed them on the cheek, never on their lips..

Ashpea9288's avatar

My whole family kisses on the lips. Literally, the whole family, not just my parents and siblings. We’re very affectionate I guess.

SeventhSense's avatar

Grandma always slipped me the tongue…was that wrong?

Mr_M's avatar

Never on the lips. And I never kissed my parents on the lips.

Jack79's avatar

no, never. I want my daughter to differentiate between a kiss on the cheek and on the lips, and know that kissing on the lips is reserved for her boyfriend.

but I don’t have a problem with parents who feel comfortable with that. It’s their kid, so their choice

marinelife's avatar

My family never did. I never have. I hate, hate, hate it when someone other than my spouse does.

Judi's avatar

I think I stopped kissing my kids on the lips when they started talking and would point out when I had bad breath, or would say my kisses were to slobbery. Now I kiss on the cheek. My grand kids are about to stop letting me kiss them on the lips too. Yesterday Liam would only kiss me if I had gum in my mouth! That kid ain’t taking any chances!
We sometimes have fun kissing like what my kids used to call “Rich people kisses.” We kiss each cheek.
I have a friend who calls it “The Persian way,” but he also never saw the play Oklahoma so he doesn’t know what I know about “The Persian Way!” Remember the salesman Ali Hakim? sorry….I ramble…

Bri_L's avatar

Only when they were really little. 2 or so. Not after that.

BUT I will continue to kiss and hug both my son and daughter their whole lives. That was very important to me growing up.

jonsblond's avatar

I kiss my daughter on the lips (she’s five), my sons are teenagers now and I usually just give them a kiss on the forhead.

My sisters and I (ages38,47 & 49) still kiss my dad on the lips. Just a little peck. We are a very affectionate family. I think people may find it more acceptable for a girl to kiss her daddy, but I could be wrong.

AstroChuck's avatar

Sure. Both my grown children and my nine year old, as well as my mom. Big deal.
No tongue, of course.

casheroo's avatar

My son is not even 2, and we still give kisses on the lips. He keeps his lips tightly shut and kisses me all the time. I kiss him in public a lot too, and always wondered if people thought I was weird because of it.
I think I’ll stop once he starts telling me to.

ubersiren's avatar

Heck yeah, it’s adorable. My son is 1.5. He makes the whole mmmmmmmmmmwah! noise. He’s kind of outgrowing it, though, and I won’t “force” him to do it if he doesn’t want to.

Triiiple's avatar

Thats incest

ubersiren's avatar

@Triiiple : You’re incest!!!!!

tb1570's avatar

Do people on fluther ever post such idiotic statements that you just don’t even want to bother responding?

(not you, @ubersiren .)

augustlan's avatar

It depends on which child you’re asking about. I am the mother of three girls, and the youngest (11) still kisses me on the lips all the time. The oldest (14) still does sometimes. The middle (13) never liked being kissed on the lips. She will permit you to kiss her on the top of her head (not her forehead) sometimes, but even that is not too often. I believe she has kissed me on the lips maybe twice, and both times it was a real effort on her part.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@tb1570 Sometimes I type out a response and then decide it’s not worth it.

I kiss my parents on the lips. I mostly kiss my son on the cheek since he hasn’t learned kisses yet. But I will continue to kiss him unless it begins to make him feel uncomfortable.

scamp's avatar

25, and yes I do! Sometimes it’s the quick peck on the cheek, but I still kiss her lips sometimes. A child is never too old for a kiss from his/her Mother. Age has nothing to do with it. It’s all about the comfort level of the child.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I always kissed my parents on the lips. I do my oldest daughter, too. The youngest, it’s at the side of the mouth. I kiss all three of my grandkids on the lips. We’re an affectionate family, also. The girls all kiss my husband on the lips. Grandson, no. But he does me. :-)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jbfletcherfan maybe consider rephrasing the last sentence, right before the emoticon. zoinks!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster LOLLLLLLL, good point there. I didn’t mean it THAT way!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jbfletcherfan one would hope not – you’re not even in Kentucky!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster LOLLL, that’s right, my dear. We may be out in the corn fields, but we’re not like that.

SuperMouse's avatar

My parents never kissed me on the lips and it always kind of bummed me out. I do still kiss my boys on the lips. I’m pretty sure they will all come to a point when they are done, but for now they allow it so I’m going with it!

Grisson's avatar

Cheek or top of head.

Bri_L's avatar

Of course their little baby feet when their born.

Can I get a who-Hah?

laureth's avatar

I’m in my 30’s, and Mom still kisses me on the lips – extra spitty and nicotine-y. And, she gets mad if I wipe off the wet. Ewww, it grosses me out.

Plus, she kisses my husband on the lips (not sexy style! just like she kisses me) and I think that’s totally inappropriate.

onesecondregrets's avatar

I’m not a parent yet but my parents kissed me on the lips. I always kissed both on the lips. I did until the day my father died, I was 19 when he passed and still do my mother, I’m 19 currently too. I don’t think there is a “too old” with affection between parents and children as long as it’s innocent.

SeventhSense's avatar

Hey 19— Steely Dan…and don’t even tell me you don’t know who Steely Dan is or I will pull your pig tails…ok maybe I WAS out of high school before you were born but life goes fasssssssssst.

onesecondregrets's avatar

@SeventhSense…who or what? BIG DIFFERENCE.

cookieman's avatar

Oddly, I kissed my father on the lips until the day he died but only got the fake cheek kiss from my mother (she smokes like a chimney, so no great loss). My father was very affectionate.

Now my daughter (who’s six) loves lip kisses, so I’m very slobbery. But, hell, I’ll kiss her cheek, her forehead, suck on her nose, nibble an ear. I could just bite that kid. She may outgrow all the PDA, so for now, my lips are flying.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@onesecondregrets Steely Dan was/is a band. it was also the name of a dildo.

onesecondregrets's avatar

@eponymoushipster…haha thus why I said there is a big difference as to which he really meant.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@onesecondregrets oh. gotcha. either way. that would add a lot to the “pull your pig tails” part of his comment.

SeventhSense's avatar

I am so confused tonight. Steely Dan dildo? Sounds ominous.

SeventhSense's avatar

Is it anything like a wascally wabbit?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@SeventhSense seriously, you didn’t know that’s where the band got the name?!

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes, now that you mention it it sounds familiar.

SeventhSense's avatar

Back to smooching:
I must say I got some serious lurve for Granny’s affections.

onesecondregrets's avatar

…well, I lol’d.

SeventhSense's avatar

Now I have hey 19 in my head…but i do love that song

SeventhSense's avatar

I can’t believe how much time you can spend on this site…it’s like internet crack

Trance24's avatar

I dont know I always found this odd. I never practiced kissing on the lips in my family. Maybe when I had been really little. But nothing after 2 years old. It just makes me uncomfortable, that is reserved for intimacy between two people in a relationship to me. But to each his own I won’t judge.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

My parents kissed me on the lips and I never thought anything of it. They stopped as soon as they thought it might make my sister and I uncomfortable.

I think they only weird thing about a parent kissing their child on the lips is that other people think it’s weird. Our society is turning something completely innocent and loving into something perverted. It’s a sad, sad time.

SeventhSense's avatar


So true. It’s like affection in general-we always sexualize it. Should a mother repress or distance herself from her child while denying her positive natural attachments? It’s only when children are put in situations that are about abuse and power is it wrong or if a child doesn’t welcome it. Modern man seems to be the only life form that has a problem being its own species. It’s like we deny our humanity for a pale imitation. My dog never questions his dogness, he just licks my face. Just look at “primitive” cultures and see how few hangups they have about any of it. And children in general don’t localize feelings like love and joy, they just are Joy.“link”

casheroo's avatar

@DrasticDreamer I agree with your last statement. Reminds me of people who think breastfeeding is gross…that is just so illogical to me.

AstroChuck's avatar

Breastfeeding is certainly not gross. What’s wrong with people?
Breastfeeding is erotic.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well that’s the confusing part, but the same hormones that are present during sex ARE present during breastfeeding. Should a mother deny this or repress this or distance herself from her child for eliciting this? Or just accept it as perfectly natural and not give her child any hang ups.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@AstroChuck only if you get those big diapers and a bonnet.

rutheena's avatar

Yes, I do kiss my kid on the lips but not too often for fear of transmitting any disease. My kid is still three years old but I do give him a lot of hugs.

lataylor's avatar

I kiss my babies on the lips.

Odette's avatar

I believe it is depending on people background, culture and values. There are countries that even men kiss each other in the lips, like Russia. There are countries that give two kisses, one in each cheek as a normal greeting, like Spain. In Cuba we most of the time give one kiss in one of the cheek once we feel confident enough which happens to be most of the time a couple of minutes after meeting someone. lol Some other cultures I believe consider wrong or inappropriate to kiss anyone expect the close family members and they even limit the physical contact with other people.

In Cuba people usually don’t kiss their kids on their lips but I remember we see with amazement how Russians that lived in Cuba kiss each other in their lips even their kids. I have a slight memory from my mom kissing me on the lips but I must had been very little.

I do kiss my kids in the lips and I don’t see any wrong about it. My younger son when he was very little didn’t let me kiss him and he didn’t kiss too much anybody either. His way to show affection was only by hugging and I accepted his way. Then when about 2 years old he started kissing me on my lips and then his brother who is 10 months older than him at about the same time the little one started to kiss me he stop doing it. Now both of them kiss me all the time. Sometimes I am busy doing something and they just came for a kiss and to tell me that they love me or they like me, give me a hug and keep going on whatever they were doing before. Even my 7 years old daughter kiss me on my lips and it doesn’t bother me at all. I am glad they feel that close to me and wanted to show me their affection and love for me that way.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

yes my partner and i both kiss our kids (5 months and 3 years ) on the lips – nothing slobbery, quick pecks and I don’t see it as weird

jamielynn2328's avatar

I am thirty years old and still kiss my mom on the lips, it was always normal. I have two children, my son is 8 and my daughter is 6 and I kiss them on the lips. If they were uncomfortable with it, I would stop, but it is just normal for us. I am affectionate with my children because I don’t want them to have problems expressing themselves affectionately when they are older.

SeventhSense's avatar

Funny…that’s how it started with Granny

maryleedy's avatar

I don’t kiss my parents on the lips, they didn’t while I was growing up and don’t do it now. They peck on the cheek and I “air kiss” their cheek, lol. The only people that would get a kiss on the lips from me was a boyfriend. Now it’s only my husband and my kids. My middle son doesn’t do it but lets me kiss him on the forehead and temple. My youngest son expects it. LOL But I kiss all of them on the forehead, temple, their head, and their cheek. I could eat them up they’re so cute! They all expect a hug and a kiss when I leave the house. Hugs are abundant in our house. :-)

markdylan's avatar

I still kiss my dad on the lips. I don’t really see anything wrong, it’s just a peck. I kiss my 4year old on the lips too. I realize that one day he won’t want kisses anymore so I just take them while I can now! Right now he’s more into the full-on mouth smooches which I don’t mind too much. He’ll grow out of it eventually and move on to pecks.

BaconMoustache's avatar

When I was 16 my mom taught me how to french kiss. I thought it was weird at first, but not anymore after we did it for a while. I guess we are just a very affectionate family.

christyloveslamp's avatar

I’m 19 and kiss both of my parents on the lips..haha alot of my friends have told me they think it’s really weird but to be honest I couldn’t give less of a damn about what they think.

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