General Question

andrew's avatar

My m key stopped working on my laptop. Suggestions of how to fix?

Asked by andrew (16553points) March 5th, 2009

I’m past applecare. Any handy magic remedies so I can stop copy-pasting my m’s?

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10 Answers

patg7590's avatar

what kind of mac do you have?

andrew's avatar

@patg7590 macbook pro 15” (2.16 intel core duo)

patg7590's avatar

did you try popping the key off to see of the little membrane underneath works?

be gentle of course haha

andrew's avatar

No luck. The plastic nub doesn’t register when pressed down.

cwilbur's avatar

Might be time to replace the entire keyboard. On the aluminum Powerbooks, it’s pretty straightforward, though there are about a half-dozen tiny screws that need to be replaced. When I replaced my keyboard, it ran about $100 for the keyboard, and it took me about half an hour to do.

mdrnmouse's avatar

get a new key?

augustlan's avatar

Silly Andrew. Just stop using words that contain an ‘m’. Problem solved.

patg7590's avatar

hate defective nubs…

woodyreedy's avatar

Turn the keyboard up-side-down and use the W key….

patg7590's avatar


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