General Question

LouisianaGirl's avatar

If a guy doesn`t know what kind of personality a girl has but he still likes her, why does he like her?

Asked by LouisianaGirl (1159points) March 15th, 2009

There are boys at my school who never even talked to a certain girl but have a crush on them, how does this work is it because of their looks or what?

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19 Answers

laxrrockr18's avatar

Maybe shes really hot

gailcalled's avatar

Maybe the guys in question are superficial dimwits.

willbrawn's avatar

physical attraction

willbrawn's avatar

Thats basically why “guys” are initally attracted to a girl.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@gailcalled haha
well can I tell the truth now, this is really embarrasing but there are some older guys at my school that like me but I never really talked to them except for once at a basketball game. So I was wondering why they are like that when they don`t really know me.

Lightlyseared's avatar

does she have large mammary glands and wear low cut tops?

ponderinarf's avatar

The voice is the key for me.

laxrrockr18's avatar

as @Lightlyseared pointed out it could also be that, that is what a lot of guys look at when they first see a girl, and what attracts them to her.

lc's avatar

Physical attraction and just plain interest.
Some people are just interesting to some, whether it be looks, clothing, facial expression, etc. and that feeling of the crush is to find out just what’s so interesting about them…
So the older boys that have crushes on you most likely find you interesting, in one way or another :)

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@lc oh…..... okay

Lightlyseared's avatar

@LouisianaGirl sorry I missed the bit where we started talking about you

asmonet's avatar

heh, I have a boy who’ve I’ve never seen in real life who is head over heels for me. I should ask him. :-/

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@Lightlyseared right above where you said does she have large mammary glands and wear low cut tops
so before you start jumping all over someone make sure you read the stuff first

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@LouisianaGirl lightlyseared definitely did not appear to be ‘jumping all over’ anybody, just proposing something (which is true in a lot of cases). it didn’t sound like they were implying something about you, especially since they said they didn’t know it was you, and they apologized for not reading that it was about you. not everyone reads all the comments before replying every time they post something.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@LouisianaGirl when I posted your quip hadn’t appeared for me yet. I only read it after I posted when the page refreshed.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@Lightlyseared its okay i forgive you

casheroo's avatar

definitely physical, especially in high school.

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