General Question

syz's avatar

Can you design a Facebook page that does not accept comments/posts?

Asked by syz (35953points) July 21st, 2009

I’d like to create a page for my workplace to increase our position in search engine crawler queues, but I don’t want to risk contentious postings. Is there a setting that would allow people to “become a fan” but not post any comments?

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6 Answers

casheroo's avatar

Yes, go to Settings next to your name, go to Profile Privacy. You can unclick if you don’t want people to post to your facebook page. You can also change the actions people can see, by going to Privacy: News Feed and Wall Privacy.

syz's avatar


SuperMouse's avatar

@robmandu that is a great link, thanks for sharing!

SecondGlance's avatar

As noted on your question about Twitter, Facebook also uses rel=“nofollow” on links, so having links out to your home site from there won’t do anything for search engines, although it will refer real humans to your main site, which is certainly useful. Provided people are making their way to your Facebook page by some means. If people can’t interact with you and leave comments, what would be the value for them on the Facebook page to begin with?

Google likes blogs. Create (at least) one blog (with regularly added content) and disable the comments. That’ll do more for you than a Facebook group. Or put a link on your Facebook page to your blog, that’ll hopefully get real prospects reading it.

Has someone told you a Facebook page would increase search engine crawls or rankings of your main site? It won’t. Sounds like you may need a new SEO advisor.

AlbertKinng's avatar

WOW very useful ! ! ! ! !

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