General Question

Facade's avatar

Why does this muscle relaxer make my tongue numb?

Asked by Facade (22937points) July 25th, 2009

I just took half a a Flexaril tablet and my tongue’s numb now. This always happens. Do you know why?

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8 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

Because your tongue is a muscle?

Tink's avatar

Are you allergic to it?

Facade's avatar

@tinyfaery I actually never thought of that lol
@Tink1113 Nope, not that I know of

shilolo's avatar

Tongue numbness, or a paresthesia, is not due to the muscular nature of the tongue, but rather to a rare side effect of the medication. It may be instead that you are experiencing a dry mouth, which is a very common side effect. I’m not sure about the rarer condition, but the more common one is due to the anti-muscarinic receptor effects of the medication (Flexeril isn’t a classic tricyclic, but shares similar properties).

Facade's avatar

@shilolo It only happens when I break the pill. I thought it might have something to do with the actual medicine touching my tongue…?

atlantis's avatar

Maybe you need to drink more water because ingesting pills takes up more water.

atlantis's avatar

And if you don’t have anyother side effects, it’s not serious :)

atlantis's avatar

here is a link saying dry mouth is a side effect.

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