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theichibun's avatar

Do I really need to put pants on a hanger?

Asked by theichibun (2237points) August 25th, 2009

I just can’t seem to keep my pants from getting wrinkled after they’re on the hanger. Things just move around in my closet too much and I’m always running into my pants and causing them to slide to one side of the hanger and get wrinkled that way.

Would anyone notice if I just folded my pants like they were going to go on a hanger and instead just placed them neat and flat on a shelf in my closet?

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13 Answers

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

There are specific pants hangers with a fold over snap bar to keep them folded in place. Other than that you can use the hangers that have squeeze clips on each end to go over the waistband and let the pants legs dangle or you can clip the pants by their hems and let the weight of the waist end hang down.

hearkat's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence: ”clip the pants by their hems and let the weight of the waist end hang down” —this is what I do, and if you hang them up while they are still warm from the dryer, they won’t wrinkle. I have pants that I air dry to reduce shrinking, so I will put them in the dryer for a couple minutes to heat them up, hang them by the hems in the clip hanger, and use my hands to smooth out the wrinkles. They usually need little-to-no ironing.

Here are the kind I prefer (Thanks @YARNLADY for the idea!)

YARNLADY's avatar

You can purchase non-slip pants hangers, which have a piece of rubber on the bar to keep the pants from moving around.

My favorites are the clip hangers, because I can hang six pair of pants in the space of two.

janbb's avatar

My son used to lay them out on the floor to keep them neat. If you have a big enough house, you could try that!

torch81's avatar

Yes, people will notice if you fold them. The most tell-tale sign will be a horizontal crease that will land mid-calf. You will have to decide for yourself how much that bothers you.

Here’s a cheap solution:
Get several pants hangers from your local dry cleaner (they will either just give them to you or charge you some small price like 10 cents.) These are specially designed with a rolled cardboard tube that will keep your pants from getting a crease from hanging on the hanger. They also have some adhesive to keep the pants from shifting around. Then hang your pants over these hangers. Once you have them hung up, use a clothes pin (the kind with the silver metal spring) to keep the cuffs of the pants together. The clothes pin will hold snugly enough that the top leg will not flop around when you slide the hanger around in the closet, but not so snugly that it will leave a mark on the pants when you wear them.

Strauss's avatar

Allow some time while you’re getting dressed to iron or press them

deni's avatar

Totally don’t need to. I stopped hanging my pants maybe…the beginning of the year and I have not noticed any difference. And I can’t stand wrinkled folded clothing. I think you’ll be ok as long as you dont try to smash fifty pairs of pants into one drawer. I sometimes just fold mine in half once loosely and lay them in the bottom of my closet. It works.

galileogirl's avatar

If you want to maintain a crease on suit pants then it is a hanger or dragging out the iron. But for more casual pants folding is OK. Just don’t shed them like an old snakeskin and leave little mounds all over the floor.

deni's avatar

@galileogirl That is a good point, it didnt click that some might be suit pants….yes, hang those

tiffyandthewall's avatar

you can definitely fold most pants without a problem. go ahead. liberate them. who needs hangers? pshaw

i personally hate hanging my pants up, at least with jeans, because they usually weigh the hanger down and take up too much space and meh. i’d just rather fold them. or ya know, toss ‘em in the corner

Strauss's avatar

Actually, most hangers look just fine with or without pants~

trifresh's avatar

The hangers with the sticky non slip cardboard tube on them are called strut hangers. The only issue with those is that the adhesive will ware off. I find the best hangers for this are clip hangers, as they allow for the pants to hang down straight so the full weight of the pants is pulling them straight down, helping to prevent wrinkles. You can find either type of hanger online. Try

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