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MrGV's avatar

What would happen if the other 1/2 of a joined twin stabbed and killed someone?

Asked by MrGV (4170points) October 20th, 2009

I’m being serious about this question and it have been wondering about it….What would happen? would that mean that both would have to go to prison? Saying that the other half had nothing to do with it and didn’t know it was going to happen.

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32 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

It would occupy all of cable news for 24 hours, and be forgotten within a week.

SpatzieLover's avatar

If they are attached, they are one. They’d both go to the slammer. But, only one name/SSN would have a criminal record.

holden's avatar

King Solomon-style justice?

MrGV's avatar

@SpatzieLover so other half will have to endure punishment if if he/she did nothing?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@MrGeneVan Unless she/he can find a way to get cut off, I’d think so. Terrible, but since it’s not yet happened it would be a precedent case.

holden's avatar

@MrGeneVan if the one that committed the murder constituted a threat to society, could you see an alternative?

MrGV's avatar

@holden Can’t think of any other way.

Cupcake's avatar

Would that automatically make the other twin an accomplice?

MrGV's avatar

@Cupcake he/she would only be an accomplice if they can prove he/she was involved.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Cupcake Good point. Couldn’t the twin talked their attached one to calm down or put down the weapon? You don’t always have to be “involved” to be charged.

MrGV's avatar

@SpatzieLover Unless it was out of impulse for no reason nor planning

Likeradar's avatar

It would also matter which side was stronger and controlled most of the mobility…

I like this question.

Cupcake's avatar

I think it would be pretty hard to prove that you couldn’t prevent your conjoint twin from committing murder. ooh… unless you were attached in the opposite direction??

rangerr's avatar

Sometimes good people go to jail so the bad ones can be caught..
Plus like @Cupcake said, you’d have a hell of a time convincing people you couldn’t stop it.. when it is partially your body.

unless your other half was threatening you..
…which would be suicide?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@MrGeneVan My best guess would be even an unplanned murder would be preventable. You see you’re twin getting enraged and you don’t try pulling him/her physically out of the situation? Nope. Also, the prosecution would probably ask friends/family/psychologists how well the twins knew each others thoughts and actions.

Kraigmo's avatar

The reason this hasn’t happened yet, is that the good twin head always put a stop to the evil twin head right before the murder.

Lightlyseared's avatar

lawyers would make a load of money.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

I don’t think you could send both to jail. I really don’t. you’d send an innocent person to jail in order to punish a guilty one, supreme court lawyers would have a field day with personal rights violations, in the end there’d be enough pressure I think to let them go, that is assuming they are unable to be surgically separated.

Cupcake's avatar

My answer hinges on what body parts they have in common.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 So you’d let a murder walk? Also, assuming the other connected twin is innocent still seems like a leap to me.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Cupcake Let’s suppose they are connected at the hip & they both must share their two legs.

fundevogel's avatar

Wouldn’t being attached make the “innocent” twin an accessory?

dpworkin's avatar

There’s just one thing I’m curious about, if I may (slightly OT): What if Napoleon had had nuclear weapons? Who would have won World War II, Batman, or Superman?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@pdworkin Only slight lurve for the slight OT discussion ;D

fundevogel's avatar

I love you long time@pdworkin.

But I have insufficient information to answer your question.

ru2bz46's avatar

@fundevogel I think any attached twin could be considered an “accessory”. ba dump PA!

fundevogel's avatar

@ru2bz46 The parasitic ones definitely are. Of course some don’t know how to work them. For instance, I saw a picture once of a two-faced baby whose parents had attempted to cover the the second face with a hat.

That just made it look like a cone-head baby.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@SpatzieLover you have to really, I guess it comes down to two conflicting ideologies. Do you value punishing the guilty more than you value protecting the innocent?

Zuma's avatar

Did the other twin drive the get away car? Knowing of a crime and not reporting it is conspiracy and, in the case of murder, can get you the same penalty as the actual killer.

Anyway, I am sure this comes up a lot.

proXXi's avatar

Can you imagine the police linup?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@proXXi Thanks for the chuckle!

proXXi's avatar

It’s my job.

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