Meta Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Are there others on the iPhone Fluther site having this problem?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) November 1st, 2009 from iPhone

I’m finding many of the questions and answers run past the right margin on my screen so I’m unable to read all of them. Is this some new bug with the iPhone version of Fluther? Anyone else experiencing this?

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30 Answers

delirium's avatar

It’s happening on my computer too. :(

Tink's avatar

It happens to me too. But only in some questions.

holden's avatar

I’m on my PC right now and having this issue.

delirium's avatar


Tink's avatar

Fluther is broken

JONESGH's avatar

nothing’s happening to me. go mac…

delirium's avatar

I’m on a mac.

JONESGH's avatar

@delirium shhh pretend you’re not we can win this one

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Tink1113 nothing. it’s just an old joke. she changed her avatar once and it crashed a bunch of stuff on the site.

delirium's avatar

I.. mean… I… am… sitting on a mac… and using a windows computer.

casheroo's avatar

It’s happening to me, and I don’t have an iPhone :(

Saturated_Brain's avatar

You mean like this right?

casheroo's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Yes. And when I open the question. But, it’s only happened with that specific question.

augustlan's avatar

Bendrewim have been informed.

JONESGH's avatar

@Saturated_Brain you have 400 questions for you?!?! if you get started you may be able to finish by next week.

delirium's avatar

I informed Bendrew too.


Saturated_Brain's avatar

@augustlan Bendrewim? Ew no no no.. I very much prefer Benimdrew.
@JONESGH I just haven’t been very active these past few weeks. I’m still not supposed to be here. <kills self>. I’ll purge that list soon.

JONESGH's avatar

@Saturated_Brain i’ll be looking forward to hundreds of your answers then

delirium's avatar

@Saturated_Brain I just deleted my list of 11162 questions for me. I think JP has gotten higher, actually.

jrpowell's avatar

Same problem here. OS 10.6.1 and Firefox 3.5.1

andrew's avatar

Fixed it. So much for a weekend.

delirium's avatar

We wuv oo.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@andrew That was quick. Ah great service…
@JONESGH Haha don’t bet on it. By “purge” I mean what @delirium did (11162? Heebee-buh-jeebies! That’s only a few thousand or so less than JP!)

AstroChuck's avatar

@andrew- Thanks.

@Saturated_Brain- Regarding your link: You could read even less on the iPhone. All I could make out of that one question was “Why don’t they let people that are…” Plus other questions that were complete on the regular site didn’t fit on the iPhone version. Oh well. All’s okay now.

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