General Question

Brian1946's avatar

Who has the highest lurve score here that you know of?

Asked by Brian1946 (32311points) December 17th, 2009

The highest I’ve seen is 23,000+, but I don’t know how to ascertain whether that’s the highest via site navigation.

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6 Answers

Christian95's avatar

ask Andrew
he knows how things are around here

warpling's avatar

Who is the most powerful of them all?…

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Its AstroChuck, who has 23,954 lurve at the moment.

coffeenut's avatar

No, it’s me

Jeruba's avatar

@coffeenut, you have 666 right now. I don’t want to mess that up by giving you a GA, so I’ll save it for later. Congratulations on your Number.

hearkat's avatar

Marina was the first to hit 20k, so she’s up there. Astrochuck and Gailcalled are the other two top Lurve recipients.

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