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Rangie's avatar

What is your favorite thing to do, or dream of doing, on a stormy day, when you are not working?

Asked by Rangie (3667points) April 2nd, 2010

One thing I love to do on a stormy day is sit in my cozy living room, with hot chocolate and popcorn. Putting a puzzle together with my husband. Listening to beautiful music. A fire in the fireplace.

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23 Answers

Kismet's avatar

I do lots of day dreaming, even outside of a rainy day, but rainy days are spent day dreaming.

I dream of traveling and having adventures and experiences outside of where I currently live. Basically, I day dream about just having a good time with my friends and boyfriend.

I also do a lot of dancing on rainy days. I’ll pop in my MP3 player and just dance the day away.

DarkScribe's avatar

Just read and listen to music and look at the rain on the water. Maybe cuddle up with my wife if she is doing the same thing. Both of us love rainy days. It is particularly nice when you are on a ketch you can hear the rain on the upper deck and also coming up through hull is the the sound of the rain on the water’s surface. Very soothing.

YoH's avatar

Read, nap and read some more. To make it perfect,I turn the phone off.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Go outside and take pictures. With a raincoat on.

talljasperman's avatar

playing baseball with hailstones in the park… running in the rain

Coloma's avatar

Make a big pot of soup or chili, house warm enough to run around barefoot in whatever comfy clothes. Lots of mood lights on to give things a nice warm glow.
@YoH Yes! Turn thre phone off….yes, yes, yes!

Cruiser's avatar

A stormy day is my favorite day of all to sit on the front porch and watch the lightening do it baad asss thang!

ChaosCross's avatar

I go outside on rainy days and run. So that said I don’t dream around during that time.


Rangie's avatar

@DarkScribe Yes, I agree with the yacht thing. My husband was a captain on a 68 foot sport fisher. I was the first mate. The owners were rarely around. We were in San Diego for quite a long time, then on to Cabo, swinging on a hook. At night the water lapping at the hull, with the gentle rocking of the yacht. Then add a little rain and what could be better?

Rangie's avatar

@talljasperman do you wear a helmet?

talljasperman's avatar

@Rangie no… the hail never botherd me although sometimes I wear a hat and mits

ubersiren's avatar

The kids would magically disappear (to some other dimension where they are safe, possibly cryogenically frozen state or something. It wouldn’t be harmful because, hello? Magic) and my husband and I would turn out all the lights and light some candles, open the windows and listen to the rain while we did the horizontal mambo like teenagers tipsy on champagne and fed each other grapes and ice cream. Then we’d watch Jurassic Park, because Jurassic Park is the best when it’s storming outside.

Rangie's avatar

@ubersiren You paint quite a picture. I almost jumped into your picture.

PattyAtHome's avatar

My favorite thing is to just curl up on the couch with a good book. I love to read. :)

Rangie's avatar

@PattyAtHome Just the words curl up and do anything is inviting for a rainy day. It is like comfort food. You get the same “high on life” feeling.

Nially_Bob's avatar

‘daydreams of me giggling and chasing a moth around outside while naked’

Rangie's avatar

@Nially_Bob I hope you stay in your own backyard, while fulfilling your dream.

Nially_Bob's avatar

Unfortunately that’s all down to where the moth goes @Rangie my friend ;)

ThrallKiller's avatar

I like snuggling with my wife and watching a movie. If it’s the right season for it, it would be fun to chase tornadoes.

tranquilsea's avatar

If it was a stormy rainy day, then I would go for a walk/run with no jacket on until I got really cold and wet. I would then jump into a warm bath and then curl up with a book.

Rangie's avatar

@tranquilsea That sounds fun. I wish I could run. I have enough trouble walking. I use to love playing in the rain when I was little. I loved the smell of the rain hitting the dirt and the street. I can still smell it in my head. Just like the smell of the first day of school. With the cedar from all the kids sharpening their pencils. The smell of the new school books.

Rangie's avatar

@tranquilsea Snuggling sounds wonderful. Watching a movie with popcorn and hot chocolate. yum. Chasing a tornado, no I don’t think so.

tranquilsea's avatar

@Rangie I’m big into puddle jumping as well. lol And if I didn’t have a book on the go, then a good movie would be great.

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