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Christian95's avatar

Do you think that firing House's original team(Cameron,Chase and Foreman)was a bad move(from the TV show House MD)

Asked by Christian95 (3260points) September 3rd, 2010

I’ve seen a statistic of the viewers of the show per season.I found out that the peek of viewers was during the season 3(last season with the original team)than starting from season 4 the number of viewers started to go down,reaching it’s minimum during season 5 and there was a slight raise in season 6.
What was your favorite season of the show?Did you like the show more when House had the original team?
I like the show in both variants.I think that Thirteen and Kutner were a fresh breath for the show but Taub was not that good.I don’t like at all that Cameron left the show but maybe she’ll come back in season 7.Maybe the best team for House would be the original team plus Thirteen I’d really love to see that.
So what’s your opinion on House MD?

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12 Answers

Frenchfry's avatar

I love House. No I think it was a good idea. It brought new character’s in and made the plot shift and exciting to me. One of the new character committed suicide. I just watched the rerun.

MacBean's avatar

I never really gave a crap about the original ducklings. The only one I had a solid opinion of was Foreman and that was because I really disliked him. To this day an episode rarely goes by without a hearty “FUCK YOU, FOREMAN” from me. Chase has grown on me a little since he left and came back. And Cameron… I never disliked her but I’m not at all sorry that she’s gone. There needed to be a change. I think you would’ve seen an even bigger ratings drop without it.

That said, “classic” House is still my favorite, even though I actually like(d) [RIP, Kutner] all the new characters. But I watch the show for Wilson, pretty much. House’s team is background noise to me.

amazonstorm's avatar

Me, I like the classic House, as well. I never could connect to the new characters and after he did that (and he started to go downhill), I stopped watching.

But I still love Hugh Laurie as House. He’s very believable.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I think it was a good move because they had to do something to spice it up a bit. I love the show, but I think it would have started to get stagnant if it was the same crew the whole time solving one mystery after another. They needed to have something else going on to make it draw people in. I don’t really have a favorite season.

filmfann's avatar

I love and miss Cameron. I miss Kutner. Taub just annoys me.
Chase and Foreman will always be secondary characters, and I really don’t mind that they are often not on the show.
All said, one of my favorite seasons was 4, when House had a game show set-up to pick his new staff.

Seek's avatar

I love almost all of it – the only season I’m not a big fan of is the one with the Tritter episodes. Stupid jackass cop.

muppetish's avatar

I’m always a little surprised when people say they miss Cameron. I loathed her. I loathed her almost as much as I loathed Kate from Lost (okay that’s a lie – because I wanted Kate to die; I only wanted Cameron to get put on a bus, which she did.) I texted a friend when Cameron’s story came to an end. We celebrated.

There was a period in which I missed Chase, but I warmed up to the new ducklings quickly. Sure, I liked Kutner and Thirteen better, but at least Taub provided a new dynamic to the show (though his focal episodes can be pretty annoying.) Really, I watch the show for House and Wilson (not a matter of shipping – I just enjoy their Sherlock-Watson parallelism.)

The average of good episodes to shaky episodes is more of my concern. The original seasons had a greater percentage of them. I want the writers to step up their game and do something interesting again.

@Seek_Kolinahr I couldn’t stand the Tritter story arc either. Blergh.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

On my end of tv enjoyment, it was a bad move. I haven’t watched it since the original team split up; I just can’t get into it as much now.

faye's avatar

I did so truly dislike Kate, but I like the new characters on House. I’m kinda sick of his attitude and I just can’t believe the Cutty thing.

Akua's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I hated the air that cop breathed.
As for everyone else, I loved them all because they all had something “special”. Foreman was the dick, Cameron was the wimp (too brady bunch for me), Chase was.. well Chase. I loved Thirteen the best. Finally some kink portrayed positively by a female. Wilson was nice too. I like how he is so put together on the outside but his frailties on the inside made him irresistable. House always rocks. Kutner I was sorry to see him go but I don’t ‘miss’ him.

Seek's avatar

@Akua I would totally do 13. And I am straight as an arrow. Rrowr.

Akua's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I’m not sure I would do her, but if she made a pass at me I’d probably let her do me.

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