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_zen_'s avatar

It's good to be King? Is it now?! If I were King, I'd...

Asked by _zen_ (7857points) April 29th, 2011

Or Queen – or even princess in waiting, or the duke of zooland…

Would you, could you marry into royalty – esp. British royalty – knowing your life would then be, well, royal – but – like Diana, Fergie et al – not all that great, right?

You tell me – what if you were King?

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9 Answers

naivete's avatar

If I was a princess, I’d give everyone in the world
one red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d run away from castle.
It’s just not for me ;)

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think it’s all bad. I wouldn’t be very good at it, but I don’t see it as a dreadful position to be in as many seem to. The fame part of it would be overwhelming, but certainly it is not much different than very famous actors being hounded by the press. You would have to be someone who doesn’t mind always having to look decent when one walks out of the house, but there are many people who won’t leave without their makeup who are not in the public eye. You never hqve to worry about money. Sure you have tons of obligations, but almost everyone has obligations. Running your kids to school, to soccer, to ballet, answering to a boss, and on and on.

If I really loved him, and liked him, geniunely wanted to be with him I think I could do it.

Jude's avatar

of the forrr-eeeesssssst..

Not Queen.

Not Duke.

Not Prince.

(not for me either)

Berserker's avatar

As I sit pon’ me throne, and lay my eyes to the desolate wastelands which sprawl before me, my bushy unibrow presents much defeat, as a veil of sorrow falls over my kingly bearded face and I resign it seems, such as a ghost at middle night, fading back into the pit of its misery.
I kneel my heavily crowned head under my fist, this fist, which has held high the sword, and felled those who would seek to bring the hammer down. For freedom we have fought, years of war has writ our histories in blood, but victory was achieved. The trees sang with the children, and the morn was wed to the night.
Yet, know O’ Prince, that the strongest enemy lies at your doors, always watching always scheming, the serpent to the maiden, the buzzard to the dying. Like wolves my people turned on one another, giving birth to a realm of rot and corruption. I grow old and weary, and my black mane which once shone blue in the bright fires of war, is now a sickly gray, a sickly gray as the sky I see before me, as it dies with me. To kill your enemy, this I have done. Rivers of blood flowed in the streets in the name of my people! I have led armies through storms and the darkest knights, and I have, with my sword, with my will, and with my love, forged a land of prosperity, bounty and freedom.
But woe! How I knew naught, that truly, empires are built pon’ human bones, towering over rivers of blood!

What a fleeting dream it was! It is easy to kill your enemy, easier still, to find one to call foe. But I was led wrong, and knew nothing. The serpent came to me, the buzzard gave me advice, and so, this was engraved in stone for all to follow!

The most difficult ordeal is to understand that which you own. And to comprehend this, you must learn that after all, you own nothing, and no one.

Our swords have sang the song of death in the name of the greater good, we have ridden on our steeds towards the stars and sought to snag them, we have made merry, someone has writ The Eye of Argon, we loved in the meadows and then have built great works, just to bring them down!!

But the day, I recall our thundering armies, as my heavily crowned head rises once more to the bleak sky, the bleak sky soon to mourn over the dying land, with a distanced roar of thunder, as the black rain draws its attack upon the ancient trees, which no longer house bunny or owl, trees as dead as a massive army of frozen ghouls. They house instead, the ghosts of middle night, forever seeking to wage battle, and ne’er finding respite. I shall join them soon, this old king who understands too late, and may only weep, as he dies. The king dies, and so does the land with him.

Sorry. That’s probably now what you’re asking, but it said fantasy in your topics, so I thought it was okay not to address English royalty and just think about Conan. And no, I wouldn’t wanna be a part of royalty, whether that has to do with enormous responsibilities or paparazzis or wtv haha.

everephebe's avatar

I would use my wealth, power and prestige (& all of my resources) to aid my people as best as I could. And I would marry who I loved, no matter their station. I would be the servant of the people, and live modestly and sustainably. I would lead by example, and do my best to be a good one. I would raise my children to be noble in this way first and foremost.
You must be noble to be noble, in my book.

zenvelo's avatar

I wondered today if William will ever be King, or if he would be like the royals from Sweden and Holland. It’s just too much that is meaningless in this day and age.

I could be a low key King if it was just me and my immediate family. But all those friggin’ hangers on and cousin dukes this and lady thats and nieces and they don’t do shit except spend money and provide fodder for the tabloids and TMZ channel.

If I were King I’d make them all work, take them off the dole.

Nullo's avatar

I could probably handle being Prince, or semi-important nobility, in a state like the U.K. The idea of the fates of millions resting on my shoulders is unappealing, but hey! That would be somebody else’s job. Sometimes, as a diversion, I’ll ponder what it might be like if I were to suddenly find my 21st-century self a 12th-century baron someplace. It rarely fails to entertain.

@Jude Originally, “forest” was the term used to describe land owned personally by the king, tree-infested or not. :D

ucme's avatar

Fi, were king of the forest
Though my tail would lash, I would show compash
For every underling
Fi, Fi were kinnnnnnnggggg!

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