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AstroChuck's avatar

Why don't barking dogs ever get hoarse?

Asked by AstroChuck (37609points) June 10th, 2008 from iPhone

We have two chihuahuas next door that never shut up. Why is it that they don’t ever lose their voices?

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8 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

They do, my dog loses his voice from barking all the time.

Wine3213's avatar

Dogs can, and do sometimes get hoarse from barking too much. Just like we would from yelling too much.

margeryred's avatar

When a person becomes hoarse it is usually due to inflammation of the vocal cords which are part of the larynx. Such inflammation is known as laryngitis. Laryngitis is usually caused by viral or bacterial infection of the larynx, or voice box. The infection causes inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx,including the vocal cords. Continual talking, shouting or barking can also cause the larynx to become inflamed.

Dogs can develop laryngitis. When this happens, their bark usually changes pitch and you might say the dog is hoarse. I have seen this in dogs that have viral laryngitis or dogs returning from a few days at the kennel that have barked more than usual.

Your neighbor’s dogs may have been barking for so long that their larynx has adjusted, or maybe their larynx is constantly inflamed and you recognize the hoarse bark as normal.

In any case, most areas have laws about excessive noise, its called “disturbing the peace”. Contact your police department and ask what can be done to stop the noise.

BirdlegLeft's avatar

I’ve heard dogs that sounded hoarse, and in fact have even heard a cat that sounded hoarse before. No shit.

scamp's avatar

I’ve even heard a horse who was hoarse!

Adina1968's avatar

Dogs can get hoarse and lose their “voice” from to much barking.

cheebdragon's avatar

the only dogs that never seem to lose their voice are the neighbors dogs…....

scamp's avatar

@cheebdragon wow, isn’t that the truth!!

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