General Question

Headhurts's avatar

How to rid the doubts?

Asked by Headhurts (4505points) August 21st, 2013

We are hoping to move counties in the next 2 years, although my boyfriend is hoping to go a lot sooner. I am looking forward to getting away from here but I am worried about it also.
What worries me is that he might meet someone else when were there. I won’t know anyone, I have no family. I’m just scared to be out on my ear basically.

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9 Answers

janbb's avatar

It’s really an extension of your continuing fears and anxieties. Once you can confront and resolve at least some of your basic insecurities, you will be able to adjust to change more easily. But you should also realize that there is some normal anxiety associated with major changes in everyone.

Headhurts's avatar

Yes you’re right, thanks. I am scared of change anyway.

JLeslie's avatar

Moving is a big stressor. What helps is to know you can always move back if you don’t like it. Since this is very much in the future I would try to just push it to the back of your head right now and not dwell on it. Anticipatory stress is some of the pwrst types of stress. Moving can be a great adventure, new chapter. For me, when a lot of stressful things are in a city I live in moving gives me almost instant relief. Even though there are new problems to deal with like finding a new place to live and meeting new people, the weight of my shoulders feels like a new freedom.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ll bet there are some kind jellies who live in your new area and would be happy, even honored, to meet with you and give you emotional support.
You are not alone. Really.

gailcalled's avatar

It is a truism that is really true that wherever you go, you go with you. Moving does give you a clean slate but if you have emotional issues, they travel in your psychic backpack. You will need the tools to deal with your life no matter how often you relocate.

Unless you and your b/f live on a desert island with no one else, you will see temptation everywhere there are attractive young women, which is everywhere.

And as everyone has said, no matter how secure one is, moving is tough. Is your move predicated on a new job for you or your bf?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’m nervous about moving to the U.S. and giving up all of my lovely jovely free Health Care.

Are you seeing a therapist for your emotional issues? If not, I would look into it.

ETpro's avatar

Just remember the advice of someone who knew a lot about winning. Vince Lombardi said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”

jca's avatar

If he is going to meet someone new, he has just as much chance doing so where he lives now, right?

If you’re going to constantly worry about him meeting someone new, you’re going to drive yourself nuts. You’re going to be watching him and paranoid all the time. You’re not going to enjoy him and you may drive him away with your paranoia. Chill out. Relax. Chillax. Love him for who he is. Enjoy what you have.

Headhurts's avatar

@jca That made me cry, it’s exactly what I do and exactly what I am. :-(

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