Social Question

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Ladies(some of you obviously), does your husband's sister hate your guts without really even knowing you well?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) September 8th, 2013

I mean there have been no arguments, no bad words exchanged, you both carry on with your lives in different cities. However, when it comes to meeting, she will do ANYTHING to avoid you. Have you had such an experience. Why do you think this is? Especially in cases where the women involved hardly know each other! What is the case?

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10 Answers

dabbler's avatar

I’m not a lady, but my wife has experienced hostility from my older sister. My younger sister was always good to my wife. In this case there have definitely been arguments and nasty words nearly always started by my sister for no good reason.
My wife thinks it is a basic rivalry/jealousy situation, especially if the sister and brother have been close (possibly all their lives). She saw it happening when her brother got married and for years her sisters gave the sister-in-law a mixed welcome into the family.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband’s sister has gone through spells where she has been hostile towards me. I think she feels a little competitive with me. I think this happens more often when the sister is older, I could be wrong. Older sisters, especially in some cultures more than others, expect younger siblings to look to them for guidance, and when the younger sibling becomes more independent it is similar to an empty nest feeling I think. A new wife can be the final nail in the couffin to the younger sibling communicating much less with their older sibling. When we get married we tend to naturally confide in our spouse when previous to that we might have turned more to siblings. I think it is emphasized when it is older sister and younger brither, because men especially turn to their wives, while women still talk to everyone.

janbb's avatar

No – my Ex’s sisters are very supportive of me.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Quite to the contrary, my ex-husbands sister and I became very, very close during our marriage and we have stayed quite close since the eons-ago divorce. I sense your sister-in-law has some jealousy issues. You don’t mention it, but besides you “stealing” her brother, is it possible you are in a much better place then she? Maybe financially. Maybe in overall happiness? Maybe she can’t find the right guy?

Judi's avatar

My husbands sisters daughter hates me and I don’t know why.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes, but the new wife has done nothing wrong, could it be a case of “I just don’t like your face?”
I mean come on woman, you only get to visit home once at the most twice a year and you do ANYTHING possible to see your brother and avoid even accidentally bumping into his wife!!!!! For crying out loud, who ever hurt her, who said anything to her? On the contrary, the brother’s wife has tried to approach on friendly terms, given her a gift which she left behind claiming it could not be carried on a plane, what else can a person do to try? I have NO idea why she hates the poor new wife so much! There has hardly been enough communication to build up jealousy, so what????????? People can be weird!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

When you say “new wife”, what does that mean? First wife and recently married or Wife # 2?

There are many possible reasons why sis is dissing the wife. My sister loathes our brother’s second wife. There are about a half dozen reasons why. One is that our brother insists on us CCing her on family e-mails. Another is that when he calls us, his wife is in the room with him with it on speaker-phone, unbeknownst to us. So, a lot of it has nothing to do with her, but how our brother is acting.

Sis and I both miss our beloved sis-in-law, who was Wife # 1. And while #2 seems to have her heart in the right place, she has said on several occasions that Mom’s mental state is such that she should be in a nursing home. That didn’t go over too well.

linguaphile's avatar

My partner’s brother’s wife hates him—she was great with me until she found out we were actually together, then went berserk.
She tried to convince me for a hour and half that I was with a monster- failing that, she has since been vindictive, cruel and has been playing dirty tricks on me. I see her at least once a month at family gatherings and just keep my distance and keep conversations very superficial.
I found it interesting that she thinks my partner is a bad man, but comes after me—someone that did nothing to her—with such vitriol. Self contradictory, for sure!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The husband needs to be the one to shut his sister down. The one being bullied can’t stop it. It has to be on him. My mother and I were discussing in law issues tonight within our family, where someone was going after one of my nieces. I said fuck her to my 72 year old mother and she laughed because she knows me so well. She did say she’d wash my mouth out with soap, but I’ll never allow bad mouthing. The witness to a bully’s attacks are the one’s that need to step forward.

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