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biugfdrt6y7u's avatar

My friend says I'm not as prettty as the other girls. I don't know how to react?

Asked by biugfdrt6y7u (7points) October 26th, 2018

I was at a party with my friend and I told her I wanted to get a boyfriend. She replied “I don’t know about that, there are prettier girls”. I sat there in silence. I feel hurt and broken. She said “oh, I didn’t mean it like that”. Why did she say it?

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15 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

It is that she is an idiot, and not your fault.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would had stated “But I am smarter than them”.
Another’s standards are not everyone’s standards.
Looks fade in time and intelligence stays or figures out a way.

snowberry's avatar

She said that because your “friend” is not a friend. She is shallow and selfish.You need a new friend, and may i suggest you raise your standards in friend material?

I figured out it was better not to have any friends rather than to have low-lifes like that in my life.

snowberry's avatar

She already deleted her account.

chyna's avatar

She must not have really wanted advise.

kritiper's avatar

She doesn’t want you to usurp her. Ignore it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some boy some day will find you irresistible!

cookieman's avatar

Probably a young teen. Sad she’s gone and too bad her friend is an ass.

LadyMarissa's avatar

She’s a bish & definitely NOT your friend!!! Although looks might cause the initial attraction, a guy worth having will be attracted to YOU & NOT just your face. Love is BLIND!!! I’d put her on my FORMER friend’s list & keep her out of my life!!!

Magical_Muggle's avatar

Despite the account being deleted, I want to respond anyway.
Please don’t think your looks are equal to your worth as a human. Because they’re not.
I’ve struggled for a long time with this, I’ve never seen myself as ‘pretty’ like the other girls. And I know it’s not as easy as just saying ‘looks don’t mean everything’, because, unfortunately, that doesn’t make it true in your head straight away. It takes work to begin understanding that.
I’ve never been in a relationship, but I’m 17, I’ve got life in front of me yet to experience that all.
I’ve realised (through observing my friends, movies, and dolly advice columns) that while physical attraction is important in a relationship, emotional attraction (I don’t know if you call it that or not) is important too.
I’ve realised that I don’t really want to be with a girlfriend/boyfriend who is only with me because I look ‘nice’, I want a relationship with someone who is my best friend, who I get along with, who understands me, and who I understand and get in return.
I don’t know how to finish, and I don’t know how coherent I am at all, but I guess I’ll finish with: you are worth more than you might think you are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s a petty little fool. She belittles you to make her self feel better. Ditch her.
You’ll find a boyfriend soon enough. It’s not something you go out and “get” at a party, really. Unless you’re looking for a one night stand, which I don’t think you are. A one night stand does not equal boy friend.

SaganRitual's avatar

Having lived a lifetime full of misunderstandings due to my love of sarcasm, or simple stupidity, or bad manners, or saying dumb things when I’m distracted, or flustered, or angry, or maybe just cluelessness about how my words might be taken, I suggest the possibility that she really didn’t mean it “that way”. I never mean it that way when people take it that way. In fact, often when I really do mean it that way, my victim doesn’t get it, so my efforts at humiliating them are wasted.

If I were your friend at a party full of men I don’t approve of, perhaps because they’re shallow, I might say that kind of thing, as a criticism of the quality of men available to you. I would be saying that they’re not worth your time because, well, they’re shallow. They only care about looks, and nothing important—they would never appreciate your culinary skills, and your groundbreaking zucchini strudel. Some people just don’t get art.

I might also say something like that if I had recently been snubbed or jilted, and my feelings were still raw about it. Once again, it would be a general criticism of men, especially the one who had recently mistreated me. And a complaint, or a whine, or expression of hurt feelings.

As a social misfit, I have often ruined my chances at impressing a woman by saying something really dumb, because of being flustered and nervous. I imagine many of those women I failed to impress were actually kind of hurt or insulted because of the dumb words that came out of my mouth. Perhaps your friend is into you, and her mouth got away from her.

It’s possible she’s a bitch. But maybe not. Communication is key in any relationship. If you sit there in silence when your feelings are hurt, and then come online to ask what she meant, you might lose a friend—I mean, you might stop being her friend because you think she was being cruel. Maybe she was, and maybe you need to unload her. But if you care about being her friend, and you would be sad for the loss, then talk to her. Then you’ll know for sure.

Best of luck to you both. (I hear you’re not around any more; no big deal, I can send messages telepathically.)

stewardl's avatar

She has issues and is trying to redirect her pain onto you so she doesn’t feel alone.

Randcvn's avatar

Maybe she’s gay and doesn’t want you to find a boyfriend.

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