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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

What would life be like without all the control freaks?

Asked by lucillelucillelucille (34325points) December 23rd, 2019

Would anyone be able to communicate with all the bad spelling out there?
Would it be Babel all over again?
How will we go on without continually being told what to do?

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25 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

Perhaps real control freaks are perfectionists who probably felt in there life not good enough unless they become perfect, of course in the end no one is.

We all grow up with parents directing and in adult life perhaps the products of that are control freaks?

One can get ten or more people giving advise that contradicts each other but in the end an adult decides for themselves, by considering the group consensus and either takes part or none of the advise but manages to narrow his/her decision to one that resonates and better for them.

I often wonder Why does a person get so upset when they see a spelling error instead of understanding the message conveyed in the first place?

The message is what is important NOT the spelling , unless an exam situation.

Also the control freak is showing his/her flaw right off the bat when they had that need to correct.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write – Yes, the message is what counts.
That is something I don’t care too much about and I was a spelling bee champ. That’s some bragging right there lol
The worst control freak I know is also the most insecure person I know.
All that being said, I am a control freak when it comes to my work.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Control freak or just expecting to be good at your work.
As long as one is NOT expecting that from others then its understandable to be wanting to get it right when doing a project or good work yourself.
However don’t beat yourself up if you fail at times, as its all a learning process and in the end practice does make perfect in that sense.
Great painters were not born into there craft, but with practice and a lot of mistakes they became experts in there field.
( I have a problem with their,there,but you get the message anyways)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write – I do have high expectations for my work and it is all on me to reach those expectations and no one else.No problem as it is solitary work anyway. I like that pressure to do well though and it really isn’t a stressor.
When other people have to be involved-shows, fairs and galleries, that is when I wish I had more control (over my time/work)
Artist groups/clubs are another story. Lol!

josie's avatar

In some cases, less entertaining.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Re: Ronald Reagan at 1980 GOP debate: “I am paying for this microphone”
It does not play video in my country ( Canada) it states.

josie's avatar


I bet the PM doesn’t want you to hear it. You might get ideas :)

Inspired_2write's avatar

One would think that a leader of a country would know better than to even say things that sound off in the first place since they are recorded and videotaped all the time?
His mistake to think must be tough to be on stage all of the time.

josie's avatar

He was campaigning
He wasn’t president yet
and he was in fact paying for the event :)
Here is the history
Quoted from RCP

In the 1980 primaries the Federal Elections Committee ruled that a newspaper-sponsored debate between just two candidates (Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) that excluded other contenders, constituted an improper campaign contribution. So Reagan’s campaign decided to foot the bill, but then switched gears on Bush and the Nashua Telegraph by inviting the other candidates to participate. The night of the debate, however, only two chairs were provided — for Bush and Reagan. Reagan marched on stage with Bob Dole, Howard Baker, John Anderson, and Phil Crane anyway and chaos ensued. Editor Jon Breen, the debate moderator, instructed the sound technician to cut off Reagan’s microphone. “I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green!” thundered Reagan, as the audience roared its approval. The Gipper had mangled the editor’s name, but he’d scored a touchdown nonetheless.

I think people loved it

Inspired_2write's avatar

A crook in the making.

KNOWITALL's avatar

From a control freaks perspective, chaos ensues.

ucme's avatar


cookieman's avatar

If there were no control freaks, I would cease to exist.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cookieman Good point, so no worries. The maniacs can rule the world! Ha

Demosthenes's avatar

@cookieman Same. I’m the primary control freak in my life.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

OMG! Blissful AS F!! Lol
I think people who have those control issues should have an Island of their own, and eat each other like starving magots, till the last one dies. (Puts hand over mouth) Oops!!!

cookieman's avatar

I’d like an island of my own. Not the rest of that oddly violent fantasy you describe @PaisleyFaye, but I’ll take the island.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

@Cookieman sorry dear. Didn’t mean to sound like a meanie, just been through a lot. But then again we all have to some degree.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cookieman An island of control freaks may actually be amazing after the first week or so of organized labor. Haha, we get things done!

cookieman's avatar

@PaisleyFaye: No worries. You’re just not invited to my island. :^)

@KNOWITALL: Agreed, so long as we font all kill each other initially.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

@cookieman ,That comment was more in reference to the people from MY past, my apologies I didn’t specify. :(

cookieman's avatar

@PaisleyFaye: No worries. I’m teasing.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

@cookieman Wipes sweat from brow!! Ok lol I was worried for a bit!

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