Meta Question

shadling21's avatar

Do you feel sad when you have a question to ask on Fluther, but when you do a Google search, you find the answer?

Asked by shadling21 (6501points) October 23rd, 2008

I know I do. And that’s why I’ve only asked a few questions.

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11 Answers

cyndyh's avatar

No. I still have my answer when that happens. Why would that make me sad? Most of the questions I’d actually ask are things that have to do with personal opinion. Other things I can find on my own.

Comedian's avatar

yes. because people are like, “Just google it gosh!” then when I do I feel really stupid and embarrassed

deaddolly's avatar

no, because most of the time I want to hear other ppls opinions. if i have a question that i can find, that i want a cut and dry answer to—i’ll google.

augustlan's avatar

I see what you’re saying Shadling. Fluthering is much more fun than Googling : )

shadling21's avatar

@august- Yes! That seems to be what Google lacks. I used to have tons of fun Googling. If websites were food, Google would be bread and Fluther would be pizza.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yeah, I kind of do! That’s why I started asking more “poll” type questions, “what do you guys think about xyz?” and questions asking for personal experiences that might give me some guidance on something.

Trustinglife's avatar

Last week I wrote out the WHOLE question, then checked google to be sure… and got my answer! Dammit! It was going to be such a fun discussion! I feel ya…

gailcalled's avatar

Check out this question from Hobbes; I thought, “Aha, that will be easy” It took an hour and improved my Googling skills dramatically. Then all the other Latin lovers appeared (No, not that kind.) I could say lovers of Latin if I wanted to be clearer.

deaddolly's avatar

But even if you know the answer, it’s sometimes fun to discuss all angles.

scamp's avatar

If someone does it repeatedly and it becomes annoying, you could always refer them here ha ha!!

(ooops, bad link!) Try this instead…

90s_kid's avatar

I use fluther more for an opinionated questions. I give lurve to those people. I hate when people ask questions where the answer is one google search away.


If it was going to be a fun discuission then ask it, well, to a certain extent.

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