General Question

Jude's avatar

What is the one issue - the one thing that could occur - that would resonant so loudly that you would take to the streets in protest? What is the one issue that would make you politically active?

Asked by Jude (32198points) January 9th, 2009
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11 Answers

syz's avatar

If there were an attempt to overturn Roe vs. Wade, I would make sure that every f*#**ing elected official that I could get my hands on would know how I felt!

seVen's avatar

If the gov said I should believe their religion and worship how they implement, that goes against my God and I would stop listening to my gov.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ve taken into the streets to protest many things; it did nothing. Americans are so apathetic. I love when people from other countries refuse to work, shut down streets and buisnesses, and do whatever they can to make their feelings known. In my opinion, there is no one thing that would make a majority of American citizens take to the streets—maybe if they took away our cars and TVs.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Issue that I wish made me politically active but is so depressing I’d rather not think about it: LaVena Johnson and the KBR rapes.

cwilbur's avatar

I am politically active. I just don’t think that taking to the streets in protest is especially effective.

laureth's avatar

@seVen – then aren’t you glad we have a separation between church and state? :)

nocountry2's avatar

I’m with Syz. I’d turn into the crazy street-corner person with the dirty scrawled sign “THE END IS NIGH”.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Politics. Don’t get me started. Between the BART shooting, the Bell shooting in New York City and the hinkyness of what happened to Mike Connell, I’m at a loss to make heads or tails out of what to do that would be more effective than marching with a sign.

The Beltway types stopped paying attention to citizen protests sometime around the fall of Saigon, IMO.

laureth's avatar

@aprilsimnel – Beltway folks TOTALLY pay attention to citizen protests… so they can avoid going to work through the inevitable jam. ;)

And… editing so I can answer the question. Like everyone else, I would be hostile to Roe v Wade being overturned (although, properly, it should be a state’s decision , which is what that overturn would mean – not that it’s illegal everywhere). I would also be up in (figurative) arms over a reinstatement of The Draft (although that, itself, might end the war more quickly), a more formal bringing-down of the separation of church and state, and if, at the last minute, Bush decides to forego that “leaving office” thing and declare some kind of martial law.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@laureth – I stand corrected! ;)

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