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firefly's avatar

If, you killed a person would you tell anyone?

Asked by firefly (23points) March 1st, 2009

Well I began this book, that is really good. It is about driving and how these people didn’t really kill a woman, but they stole a stop sign and when the woman was driving she didn’t know she was suppose to stop but since she didn’t she didn’t stop the to see the huge truck that killed her and had her to leave behind a baby boy, and a wonderful husband.

But anyways that book really had me wondering if somebody killed another human bean what would they do next?

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34 Answers

DrBill's avatar

No, once is enough. It’s been over twenty years, and I still don’t talk about it.

As far as what I did next, I cleaned my gun.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

1. Kill Self
2. Try to hide and eventually get caught
3. Live with remorse and guilt for the rest of your days
4. Do it again until you eventually reach 1–3 at some point.

If I killed someone it would be for self defense or war.. so yeah.. I’d tell someone.

Baloo72's avatar

haha, “human bean”. I personally wouldn’t know until I was actually in that situation. I think in that situation I would probably not tell anyone and I would try to hide it. human bean. . .lol

blueknight73's avatar

i have killed several, never told a soul

mrswho's avatar

I would probably tell someone, and go mad with guilt. I hope I wouldn’t go so crazy as to kill myself, but I am prone to guilt so I don’t know if I would do that. I know I would try to punish myself some how, and probably not act like too rational a person. If I just killed a partially human bean though I might spare everyone the dramatics and be cool with it.

ubersiren's avatar

I used to think I wouldn’t, but now I sort of think I’d eventually break down and tell my 2 best friends.

If I would’ve read this a few weeks ago, I totally would’ve made my screen name human_bean.

purephase's avatar

Depends on the circumstances. If someone was raping my mother or girlfriend and I killed them in defense perhaps I wouldn’t. I would certainly be convicted if I turned myself in. I don’t know…

oh, wait…then it wouldn’t be a secret. sorry, bad answer

Allie's avatar

@blueknight73 Good to know. Thanks for finally sharing.

If I ever kill someone, I already have an accomplice in mind. He’s cool with the plan. We’re going to make a road trip out of it.

Jamspoon's avatar

I’m waiting until I publish my memoirs, the working title right now is Confessions of a Somewhat Sordid Sort, I think it might be a bit long. Point is, it won’t make the best seller list if everybody already knows all the details.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I feel guilty if I tell a lie about the simplest shit if I think it will affect another person…I can wait and wait and wait but eventually my guilt will win. I will confess.

Jamspoon's avatar

Guilt makes for excellent writing!

ella's avatar

@jamspoon i’d definitely read a book titled “confessions of a somewhat sordid sort” it has a great catch to it and lovely use of alliteration. hope you actually write it!!

@baloo72 i snorted dr pepper out of my nose when i read ‘human bean’ in the original question, had to walk away from my computer to get a paper towel. repeat at your post. :)

skfinkel's avatar

If I were so stupid and thoughtless as to cause another person’s death, like removing a stop sign for example, I would tell someone. Another example would be like Madoff, who essentially stole from millions of people who would have been the recipients of the money he took—I’m sure some of them have died, and indeed, I would march straight to jail without looking back. Another evil doer would be the head of the peanut factory, who tells his underlings to send out questionable peanuts that kill, say, eight or nine people, and sicken hundreds of others. Instead of pleading the 5th, I’d admit the horrible, thoughtless, killing blunder and march off to jail to think it over for the rest of my life.

megs's avatar

I’ve never killed someone physically, but have emotionally.
If i did ever kill someone I would turn myself in becaise I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Then again I don’t think the day will ever come that I would kill someone, I almost did once necause I beat her so bad. You get what you deserve and she definatly deserved it..

eponymoushipster's avatar

I probably would put all my human beans in a pot and make a stew. and the cops would be none the wiser.

rockchick's avatar

ha-ha everyone my fault, i was paying attention I mean ’‘human being’’ which I think is the correct way.

galileogirl's avatar

Actually something similar did happen several years ago when a group of teenagers were driving around removing stop signs, street signs and generally vandalizing public and private property. Someone was killed at an intersection where they had taken the stop sign.

I read about the case while they were on trial. They were caught because they were talking about their involvement and making jokes and several people reported it. Also a lot of the signs were in one girl’s garage.There was never any apology or sign of remorse but that may be their lawyers’ advice…admit nothing. As far as I could see their defense was:
1. The police couldn’t prove they had taken that particular sign.
2, It was the driver’s fault for not being more careful.
3. Kids will be kids so don’t hold them accountable.

I didn’t follow up so I don’t know the ouycome.

rockchick's avatar

Umm.. @galileogirl when did this happen? Because I am reading this exact book of everything you just said.

eponymoushipster's avatar

wait – wasn’t this the plot to “I know what you did last summer”?

Bluefreedom's avatar

This question reminds me of a short story by Edgar Allan Poe called The Telltale Heart in which a man kills someone, dismembers them, and hides the body parts under the floorboards in the house. The guilt of the murderer overwhelms him and he hallucinates and thinks he is hearing the heartbeat of his victim below the floor.

I think this same scenario could apply to me too in that I would feel very guilty if I killed someone and it wouldn’t be something that I could keep a secret. It would haunt me for a long time, if not forever.

glassglitterandbeads's avatar

why would I start now? ....:)

Triiiple's avatar

Yes, id be all like “Yo i merked that guy!”

galileogirl's avatar

I know I read the article between 3 and 7 years ago. I remember things by visualization and I was in a particular classroom asking students what they thought. I would guess that if they were on trial it happened between 1999 and 2004.

Triiiple: Adolescent bravado is both unattractive and unconvincing.

humanbean's avatar

O, I didn’t know that this actually happened.

tennesseejac's avatar

Does a bear shit in the woods? I love beans.

zephyr826's avatar

Back to the original question. The part of us that is human and needs to communicate is not usually the part of us that is brought to murder, so in my opinion, if I murdered someone, I wouldn’t tell a soul, but if it was an accident or in defense of others, I would need to tell people for that sense of community release.

kwhull's avatar

When the bear does shit in the woods, does it hide behind a tree or let his little forest friends watch?

AstroChuck's avatar

What do you mean if?

Johnny_B_Goode's avatar

I would only tell a fiction writer.

onesecondregrets's avatar

The comma in this question really bothers me.

ubersiren's avatar

@onesecondregrets : Is that the only thing?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

If I ever killed someone, it’d only be in self defense, so yeah, I’d tell. When my husband was up here working on the house for two weeks at a time, I slept with a loaded revolver beside the bed. If anyone ever came in the house that didn’t belong there, I’d plug them & not bat an eye. If it came down to me or him, it’d be him.

blueknight73's avatar

fuggetaboudit! i would never say a word

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