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qualitycontrol's avatar

Would you leave your current job for a better one?

Asked by qualitycontrol (2573points) March 19th, 2009

I need some advice. I saw an ad for a job on CL and applied for it. I guess I got lucky and they want to hire me. However I really like the company I work for now, only problem is I need to make more money to pay the bills and my company is having a lot of financial issues so a raise is out of the question. There have been a lot of lay-offs and cut backs but my boss assured me I’m safe and that I have a future in the company. The new job I applied for is a bigger, older company that has the capacity to pay me what I need and maybe get better benefits. I like the people I work with and I like my job but I’m having trouble paying the bills every month. I know money isn’t everything but it seems like the only way to help get myself out of debt and not live paycheck to paycheck. What would you do?

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

When you went for the interview, did you like the environment and the people you met? Do you know much about the company culture?

If all other factors are equal, I would go for the change.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Tough call, Marina is right, but loyalty from a company is hard to come by too. I wouldn’t take that for granted. Ask your boss where he sees the company and you in it in the next 4 years. Maybe it will be worth the wait.

dynamicduo's avatar

An assurance from a boss is worth nothing unless it’s written on paper and held to it.

Based on your situation, I see no reason why you would stay with your current job.

At times, money is everything. It’s everything when you need it to pay for your roof over your head, or food in your belly. Securing your future by means of securing your financial future, to me, is more than enough justification to take this higher paying job.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I think it might come down to how much more you will be paid. Also, are you having a hard time paying the bills because you aren’t being paid enough, or because you got yourself in too much debt on your own? If its the second, then getting paid more will only get you in more debt if you are not careful.

qualitycontrol's avatar

The people seem really nice, they told me they don’t want jerks working there so they screen for assholes. I liked the managers and VP and I could see myself there no problem. They do seem to be stricter and have higher standards and I’m ok with that. I trust what my manager said because they hire pretty much anyone with no experience or school. I have schooling and I’m the only one in my position so they wouldn’t fire me because they won’t be able to pay someone what they pay me who has higher education (I think). I got myself into debt because my income dropped when I lost one of my jobs. I was working 60–70 hours a week, now just 45. I bought a car I thought I could afford and that messed up the stuff I bought on credit that I had planned to pay off by now.

cookieman's avatar

I agree with @dynamicduo that the assurance of continued employment from your current boss is meaningless unless it’s in writing. He may be the nicest guy in the world and mean well by you but nobody is indispensable (including your manager).

I work for a family-run business that in 125 years has never laid anyone off…and I still don’t trust them

I would investigate the environment and expectations of the new job more. If after getting some more answers, you’re comfortable with the environment and can see yourself giving it a go there for at least a few years – take it.

Then, pay down your credit, start a savings plan and get on a budget.

cookieman's avatar

PS: How does one “screen for assholes”?

Jack79's avatar

sure, but I am basically unemployed right now

cwilbur's avatar

If money were not an issue, or the pay were the same at both places, would you even consider changing jobs? If the answer to that is “no,” then changing for money is only going to make you miserable in the long run.

SeventhSense's avatar

“The people seem really nice, they told me they don’t want jerks working there so they screen for assholes.

Did they use those exact words? If so they seem a little too flippant and casual with a new hire. If they are that informal with a new hire, where do you go from there? Casual Friday has now become no pants? It’s probably a short flip of the boss’ mood for you to be the next asshole. I’d be warned.

galileogirl's avatar

I did.

At the age of 44, I left a job as company controller, took a year to get a credential and became a teacher. During that year I worked 25 hrs/wk at a non-profit earning about 30% of my last corp job, but I came through debt-free. I knew there had been a hiring freeze for teaching jobs in my city and I might have to move to the suburbs <:[

I fell into a one year job because of my odd mix of subject credentials. But my 1st year teaching paid less than 50% of my accounting job. At that point I had no debt, no dependents, no car and a rent controlled apt so my financial ducks were all in a row. It took 14 years to reach the same income I earned in business.

It was totally worth it. I had never stayed on a job for more than 2 ½-3 years before I got the “is that all there is” feeling. I am in my 18th year as a teacher and if I were in better health I would go another 5–10 years.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

in a heart beat! nothing more important than making yourself better :)

janbb's avatar

You say a raise is out of the question, but maybe you should go to your manager and see if, to keep you, they would match the new offer. That is if you are sure the moeny is the only incentive to move.

cwilbur's avatar

@galileogirl: but I think in your case you left for a job that was a better fit for you, which is the question the querent typed in the heading. The question he actually asked was, “would you leave a job you love for a job you might not love but that pays much better?”

And that’s a much more difficult question to answer.

galileogirl's avatar

Oh pays better but know it’s not right-definitely not! I’ve had the opportunity but just couldn’t work for people who had a high sleaze factor. I knew I would be in the inner circle and they took advantage of the hourly workers while management had tremendous perks, but the thought of it made me nauseous.

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