General Question

dearest_prudence's avatar

When you get a call from work offering more hours on your day off, how do you respond?

Asked by dearest_prudence (464points) March 25th, 2009

I just got a call offering me more hours TODAY on my day off, I would have taken it, but I only take certain hours, so it was a denial, think that is ok? opinions?

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13 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

I whine to my friends. I’m salaried but often the only one there, so almost every day off I have to make a trip in for an emergency. So I whine.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

it depends if i have plans. but ima hustla’ so i usually take the paper :)

bobbyb_'s avatar

Depends if their willing to let me go in for the shift that works for me, which thankfully, usually works out; they usually let me go in whenever it is convenient for me to go in. But if I really don’t want to go in on my only day off, I usually just be straight up with them and say no! haha

VzzBzz's avatar

Priorities, you choose what fits with your needs and then your wants.
Right now I work on-call so I’m up and dressed by 6am each day, ready for anything.

cak's avatar

When I had a job like that, if I truly didn’t have plans, I might take the hours. Basically because I was a poor, broke college student. I haven’t had a job where I was paid hourly in a long time, and now I’m self-employed. I remember those days, though. I had to take the hours, if I wanted to eat and pay for school!

I can tell you from the employer side of things, if I was in a bind, already working to cover someone’s hours, and I called someone and they helped me out – I always remembered their willingness to help. I would find a way to reward them. I didn’t brow beat anyone into working, though. It was their day off.

Dog's avatar

In this economy I am taking on every side job I can get.

lazydaisy's avatar

no f’ing way!

I’m salaried.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Depends if the pay rate is NHS or private.

casheroo's avatar

I find it annoying, because my work knows it’s near impossible for me to find a sitter. And no one ever works for me, so I hate working for others now…

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I put in my 40 every week, so no. I do have a life outside of my wage slave status. I work 2nd shift, my wife works 1st, so our weekends are for US.

fireside's avatar

My work is project based, so I work as much as I have to when it is busy and enjoy the rest when it is not.

cookieman's avatar

I work fifty hours at the day job and teach an additional five to fifteen hours at night.

My answer would be: “You have reached the phone of cprevite. Please leave your name and number at the beep…”

cwilbur's avatar

I’m salaried, so the answer is no. In the past, when I’ve worked a salary+overtime job, the answer has depended on how badly I wanted the money versus how much I wanted to not work.

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