General Question

punkrockworld's avatar

Do drunk people tend to slip the truth when they are drunk? Or the opposite.. do they lie about how they feel?

Asked by punkrockworld (960points) March 29th, 2009

in this case it is the guy that was drunk

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9 Answers

asmonet's avatar

It would really depend on the person.
The gender is irrelevant.

Vinifera7's avatar

In my experience, people reveal more information than they would normally be inclined, while inebriated.

autumn43's avatar

The saying goes “A drunk man speaks a sober man’s mind.”

(man = men and women, in this instance, like asmonet says

essieness's avatar

I tend to become more truthful/revealing when I drink… take that for what it’s worth.

chyna's avatar

I think people become less inhibited when drunk, therefore spew whatever is on their minds. Or just spew when too drunk.

VzzBzz's avatar

@chyna: I agree here and add what drunk less inhibited stuff they spew isn’t always true or a reflection of genuine feeling, more what’s on their drunk minds.

jo_with_no_space's avatar

Drunkenness seems to bring out the honesty in people.

casheroo's avatar

I tend to reveal way too much when I drink.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

When drunk people start talking, I start not listening.

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