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AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

Any one else having trouble with life?

Asked by AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA (1502points) August 6th, 2009

My life has gone to hell since sunday. It has gradually kicked my ass to the curb. Moved out of my rent house two months ago, and into my mothers again. Had to drop the insurance on my car and stop driving, all of my friends slowly stopped calling and they can’t even come by to hangout or go do anything. My woman that I treated so well and spoke so highly of broke up with me because she is scared of life. When I moved out I also had to get a different job for 8 dollars an hour! I haven’t had a day off in 4 weeks and I have lost 12 pounds in that time. Depression is like a sufficating mask I wear daily, and even though I can’t breath, I still function. What can anyone possibly say to make me feel better?

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20 Answers

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Saturated_Brain's avatar

You’re alive. That means you have a second chance. And you have us to talk to. There are many kind souls who’d talk to you here. Do you need to PM someone?

jrpowell's avatar

Baby steps, tackle one problem at a time. It might be a good time to think for a while and reinvent yourself. A fresh start can be nice.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@YARNLADY wow, that was nice of you.~

drdoombot's avatar

Take a deep breath. Evaluate where you are and how bad things could have been. You might not have had a place to crash. You might not have been healthy enough to work.

Looking back in negativity will not help you move forward, it will only hold you back. Thinking positively, considering your options and making the best of your situation will help you get where you want to be. Positivity always propels you forward.

augustlan's avatar

{hugs} to you, my friend. We are here for you.

derekpaperscissors's avatar

You can bum with me in case you’re in my area. But that’s halfway across the globe where you probably are though.
Also, think green.
Search long and hard for that friend who’ll help you out, or make a new one. They’re lifesavers.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

This is a lot of hardship at one time but it probably won’t be anything permanent, work through it.

SuperMouse's avatar

Keep moving forward, keep putting one foot in front of the other. As @johnpowell said, take baby steps, break the big into littler pieces and slowly but surely you will work your way out of this malaise. Always remember to be thankful for what you do have, your health, Kung Fu, a job and a roof over your head. Maybe you could spend some time meditating or journaling about where you want to go from this point, it is a chance to chose anything you want to do or to be.

jonsblond's avatar

You are not alone. Many of us are having a hard time right now. Be thankful that you have your mother for support and don’t forget to tell her how much you appreciate her help.

We are all here for you. Hang in there! Think positive.

BioTechWarriorr's avatar

sometimes talking to a stranger can’t hurt you. and we are only here to help. you can decide if you need us. we can be bestfriends ;D

ShanEnri's avatar

As my mom would say to me “Be glad you have a job, a home, food and the ability to complain about it all. There are some in this world without any of these blessings.” At which I would reply “Yeah and they don’t have you to remind them about the suffering masses either!”

YARNLADY's avatar

@ShanEnri Very funny comback, but I wonder which “they” would choose if they could?

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I wanted to come back and edit (too late) with something I know to be true because I’ve lived enough to see it time and again, for myself too:

The odds are against us as humans to be un loved in the ways we most want.

Pat_thebear89's avatar

Well my friend, all of us hits a rut or more. Its all part of the this horrifying existence we call life. You will greatly be intercepted with the bad things most often than good. But with all that has happened to you you should think of it as a way out of the harshness you were in and look at all the benefactors of the new reality you were shot into.If you find one benefactor from one problem look for the more in in the others.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Sometimes when things are tough, there’s opportunities and lessons in the experience that need to be considered as you move forward. Life is a journey, you have to just keep walking. Make the best choices you can, act in your own best interests.

Bad times do not last forever. Neither do good times.

debris_of_seven's avatar

… is a bitch, and then you die….. :-)

….just joking….

….yes, definetly baby steps…

be fighter and not a coward like your ex….she will probably marry some rich idiot and take his crap. Than she will realize that life is more then purely existential. And toss her head into microwave. :-)

Life is tough. Try to find your good qualities and realize your worth. What you need now is self-esteem. Realize that you are not weaker, but stronger – becaouse you have to be.

Some guy once said: ” Hunger does not make the wolf weaker, it makes him stronger ”

nebule's avatar

@debris_of_seven loving the avatar! sucks sometimes most of the time in fact..but I’m becoming ever more increasingly aware of the fact that what you concentrate on you will get…thinking is the key… think about great stuff and what you can create! x

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i’m sorry you’re going through a rough time right now. but just try to think of it as a rough time. it will pass with optimism and some work. try losing yourself in something beautiful every once in awhile, whether it’s music, literature, art, or whatever makes you feel happy. there are small pleasures everywhere.
or maybe make something. accomplish something, even if it’s small. write, or do something you enjoy.
even if you still feel like shit, at least you can have some time that you’re not focused on your problems.
hope things start looking up for you soon. (:

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

To be honest, I haven’t taken in any of the thoughts on this thread. I am however, greatful to find that alot of people feel, and understand the things that everyone grasps on a daily bases. I am truely happy that most of us share “one” of the same train of thought when it comes to pushing thru “obstacles.” Stress is only a manifestation of the mind, and so is depression. There truely is no ugly or pretty, better or worse, fat or skinny, happy or depressed. There is only difference from one perspective to the other, and thank you for all of your perspectives.

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