Social Question

Val123's avatar

Have you ever thought of asking your very young child if they remember being born?

Asked by Val123 (12734points) October 18th, 2009

I asked my daughter when she was about 2, and had a pretty good vocabulary. I didn’t lead her at all, but I did ask while she was in a warm bath. She said it was like coming down a slide backwards. :)

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5 Answers

DominicX's avatar

I thought long-term memory wasn’t developed at that age.

The earliest thing I remember was a blinking red light and a bag of marshmallows: Items I saw in a hotel room in Melbourne, Australia when I was very young.

Blondesjon's avatar

I asked my middle child when he was eight months old and he spit up on my shoulder.

Val123's avatar

@DominicX Well, I don’t know! It was an interesting experience. My theory was to ask as close to the event as possible, and as soon as they could communicate.
@Blondesjon Ha!

MissAusten's avatar

No, but now I wish I’d thought of it. My daughter had insane verbal skills as a toddler, and I bet she would have said something memorable. She could carry on a full conversation by the time she was 18 months old and routinely freaked us out with things she would say. OK, maybe it’s best I didn’t think to ask her about being born.

Val123's avatar

@MissAusten Sounds like you have your hands full!!

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