Social Question

Bonwhin's avatar

Are you good, evil, or varying shades of gray?

Asked by Bonwhin (64points) October 18th, 2009

A couple of years ago I had an internal struggle with myself about some decisions I was making in life and thoughts I was having that didn’t cast me in the best of light

It made me physically sick with a constant ache in my heart, probably caused by stress, to think about how I felt like not such a good person anymore until one day it all sort of clicked.

I’m not good nor evil, I am a human that makes emotional, irrational, and sometimes bad decisions based on what I want. I may be selfish but at least I’m not lying to myself anymore. And with that realization my ailment disappeared.

So my question for you all is: Are you good, evil, or varying shades of gray?

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28 Answers

NewZen's avatar

Grey, or gray.

Jude's avatar

I’m an angel for the most part. There is that little devil, though, who rears his ugly head at times (jealously, being selfish, irresponsible). When I act that way, I’m usually not happy (with myself), and I don’t care how it affects myself or others. This doesn’t happen often, though, folks. Once in a blue moon.

Samurai's avatar

@NewZen Which one is it? I don’t know how to answer the question now.

efritz's avatar

Dark, dark gray . . .

mwahahahaa . . .

Resonantscythe's avatar

Grey, gray, Dir en grey. Tipped somewhat to the dark.

@Samurai (Gintama right?) I thought that was one of those American Vs. British things like Color Vs. Colour

Facade's avatar

Define evil?

I’d say I’m good/grey with the possibility to be any of the above.

Samurai's avatar

I’m going with gray.

NewZen's avatar

@Bonwhin GQ – welcome to the collective.

syz's avatar

Evil, pure evil.

Kidding. As an atheist, I rely on my internal moral compass to guide my behavior. I think that I’m basically a good person, but I’m sure there’s plenty of room for improvement.

whatthefluther's avatar

Good. See ya…Gary/wtf

flutherthewhat's avatar

Evil. See ya….yraG/ftw

PretentiousArtist's avatar

@flutherthewhat shouldn;t you greet instead? Just a suggestion…

NewZen's avatar

@gary – you talking to yourself again?

saraaaaaa's avatar

Grey, mostly. With the occasional flashes of white and there have been some known black outs. But thats for another time.

jackm's avatar

I’d say I’m an ass

J0E's avatar

Part of growing up is realizing that everyone is a shade of grey. The world is not as simple as “good or evil.”

saraaaaaa's avatar

‘There is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so manfriend!’

Justnice's avatar

I’d like to think that I am a good person but I have done things that people would consider “evil”. Sometimes I struggle and I feel like I’m a really bad person. I really don’t know. Now, I just do what I want and hope that I don’t hurt anyone in the process

shego's avatar

If I say grey, then I will be like everyone else. I am me! Deal with it.

whatthefluther's avatar

@PretentiousArtist….Point well taken. I like your In the Aeroplane Over the Sea avatar….you may be a pretentious artist, but you have good taste in music! how can pot not be your thing yet you like Neutral Milk Hotel? I’ve always felt the two went hand in hand and I enjoy both religiously)
See ya….Gary/wtf

whatthefluther's avatar

@jackm….Does that make you a jackmass?
See ya….Gary/wtf

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Good and evil are subjective measures that we judge relative to an ideal that we hold dear. Those who call themselves ‘good’ may be arrogant, or they may be content with themselves and able to live in harmony with themselves. Those who judge themselves ‘evil’ may be depressed, or have high moral standards which they cannot achieve. Good and evil don’t really exist.

I like to measure ‘good’ and ‘evil’ according to the advantages/disadvantages resulting from certain behaviours. I have altruistic tendencies at times, which can cause myself harm but benefit others. I am also selfish at times, when I feel my immediate needs are the most important thing. Both these behaviours are good and evil depending on the angle you look at them. I call myself good, because evil is that which is detrimental to humanity, and I do not believe myself to be responsible for the diseased state of humanity in any way.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Overall I’m good
shocker I know

wundayatta's avatar

If I have to think about a question like this, I always think that everyone else has more good in them than I do. This is why I prefer not to think about such things. In any case, it’s not for me to decide. Others can judge my behavior, but I’m me, doing what I do. It does me no good to call myself names. I do it all the time, of course, but it’s not helpful.

I am who I am, and I’d prefer it if other people thought I was a good person. However, in my book, it generally seems like most other people are better people than I am. By definition, I have a lot of ground to make up, because I am constantly doing things that harm others, no matter how hard I try to be good.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’m Gray and I know myself, understand myself and work consciously to do what’s best for me while doing the least amount of harm to others as I make my way.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m imperfect because I’m only human. I try to lead an honest and productive life as best as I can with the least amount of resistance or trouble. That’s probably the most innocuous way for me to answer this question.

333 – I’m only half evil

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