General Question

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Would you feel offended if one of your 'close friends' told you that they kept parts of their life from you?

Asked by The_Inquisitor (3166points) November 16th, 2009

Well, one of my ‘close friends’ (for years now) had just mentioned today that she has certain parts of her life where she hides from me. She didn’t exactly say it like that, but it still made me sad =(. She said “I’m glad I have guy friends to talk to stuff about, I can mention things that I would never mention to you guys ever! hahah”. Something along those lines anyways. She’s also mentioned something like that this year as well. About how she tells different friends different things about her life… I don’t want to know only a piece of her life, I want to know everything =\. She also said something like “There’s a lot of stuff you don’t know about me, hahha”

I always believed that friends never hid things from their friends, and that they showed every part of them self around their friends.. Regardless of sex, I pretty much act the same to all of my friends. I don’t hide anything, even if they have nothing on a particular topic in common. I just talk about my life and stuff.

… It kind of feels like she’s ‘fake’ sometimes. She’ll say one thing to another friend, and another opinion to me…. so… what is it? Which is her honest opinion? Does she just say things to make the person happy? I don’t understand, and it really frustrates me.

Am I right to feel offended? Do you hide certain things from your friends…. or do you let them know everything?... And, is there anything that can be done?

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13 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

It’s probably something she doesn’t feel comfortable sharing with you. It’s not a slight on you.
You’ve got to let the little stuff slide. This is the little stuff.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

People have a right to their privacy. I have very close friends that I don’t share everything with, because somethings aren’t their business. You say that you want to know everything, but it’s not up to you. She should only share what she feels comfortable sharing. This doesn’t make her less of a friend, it just means she has things that she wants to keep to herself, and that is her right.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Okay, I see, that makes sense. Make me feel better too.
I’m just over reacting. *pheww, I guess it just kind of came as a shock to me at first. I don’t know…

Jeruba's avatar

I rely on my friends to know what to keep to themselves, just as I keep things to myself. Same with my children. Same with my husband. I have a private life of my own, and I don’t want to know every detail of anyone’s life. Period.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Not everything needs to be shared with your friends. There’s nothing wrong with having a few personal secrets.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Yeah, I just never thought anybody would say that out loud to me. It just feels weird, since I’m a very open person.

Dog's avatar

You question if she is honest with you, yet she was honest with you.

Lets put that aside because the bigger issue is not that she does not divulge everything in her life to you it is that you expect her to.

Normal healthy friendships and relationships do not mean you are fused to every facet of one anothers lives. This is very important for you to understand as some might consider such expectations to be rather stifling and in a relationship suffocating.

Learn to respect and appreciate that everyone needs personal space without taking offense. It will make you a much happier and healthier person in the long run.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

@Dog, alright, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads up. I’ve actually never thought of it that way. Glad I asked this question though. It’ll definitely help in my life.

DrBill's avatar

Everyone has secrets, and a right to share, or not share.

Jeruba's avatar

Very nice analysis, @Dog. Well said. My compliments.

chelseababyy's avatar

There are certain things that people tell certain other people. It’s just how it goes. You want her to tell you everything and because you found out she hasn’t it’s discouraging you. Sometimes people are just that way. I have a few REALLY close friends, that I consider best friends, however there are certain things that I can tell some, but not all. It’s not that I like someone more, it’s just that I feel that they’re more understanding about these things.

knitfroggy's avatar

Just because you’ve been close friends for years doesn’t mean she has to tell you every thing about herself. There are aspects of my life I keep hidden because they are no ones business but my own. My very close or best friends don’t need to know certain information about me and vice versa.

Snorkledorf's avatar

Just one example of something I wouldn’t share with a friend: I have a tendency to try and work things out in my mind before I start discussing them with anybody else. (Other people think out loud.) So if there’s some subject that I’ve been working on for a while but haven’t reached a conclusion on yet, I may well wind up having it be a big chunk of my life, something that’s important to me, that I’ve literally never disclosed to anyone.

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