Social Question

syphotoguy's avatar

Would you help a stranger?

Asked by syphotoguy (233points) November 19th, 2010

If you could help a stranger earn $50000 buy giving up 1 minute of your time, and stood to gain nothing yourself would you help?

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23 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Probably not if it meant listening to a sales pitch.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Depends on what I had to do in that 1 minute.

YARNLADY's avatar

This hypothetical is too far fetched. I click on The Hunger Site every day to help send food to strangers.

lloydbird's avatar

If I helped a stranger to gain $50000 by giving up 1 minute of my time, I would gain much.
I would be happy for the stranger, for a start.
I would also hope that that stranger would go on to help other strangers.

It’ nice to be nice.

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah, why wouldn’t I if it was only a minute?

Seaofclouds's avatar

@Blackberry I can think of lots of things I wouldn’t do, even if it was only a minute (sexual acts, illegal activity, and delivering drugs all come to mind).

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Sure.I am wonderful thaty way ;)

Blackberry's avatar

@seaofclouds Well, yeah… Although for this example, I was assuming it was something not gross or evil lol.

Coloma's avatar


I love to see good fortune shine on others.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I always try to help other people whenever I can.

Carl_Rogers's avatar

I’ll be honest, I probably would not stop long enough to find out what they were pitching. You never know what someone’s intentions are. I definitely wouldn’t if I was alone. If my husband was there, I might. But it is so improbable that I could ever really help them earn any amount of money in one minute…So no probably would not even stop. Heartless as it seems that’s just how it is.

AmWiser's avatar

No! Not without knowing what that 1-minute of my time entails.

Winters's avatar

Really depends on my mood.

jaytkay's avatar

@syphotoguy Are you trying to sell me Amway products?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

If it was pitched to me that way, then I would expect a return of some kind, no matter how insignificant. I often help people I don’t know—Fluther is just one of many ways that I try—I’ve pushed countless strangers’ cars out of snowdrifts, changed a few tires for people I never met before, or will again, given gas to people who were stranded, etc. I do that with no plan or expectation of a direct return.

But if you pitch this plan to me, then I want to know what I stand to gain, if anything… after we decide that the thing you’re asking me to do is legal, ethical, simple, really only a minute, etc.

jaytkay's avatar

If I buy a pack of gum at the corner store, I am helping lots of people make $50,000.

The store owner, the gum distributor, Wrigleys…

Coloma's avatar

I just paid a kid to scale the giant Oak tree off my deck and rescue my cat $150

We should always pay someone their worth, always!

He asked me what I thought was ‘fair’...that’s what I think!

ChocolateReigns's avatar

As long as it’s legal, doesn’t cost me anything, doesn’t sound fishy, and doesn’t put me or anyone else in harm’s way, sure! If you wouldn’t do it even if all those points are true, there’s something wrong with you, in my opinion.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I never thought driving the getaway car had much of a future.

downtide's avatar

It would entirely depend on what I had to do for that minute, how the stranger was to earn the money from it, if it’s legal and ethical, and whether or not I trusted him. That much money in such a short time, my instinct would say “scam” and I would refuse to get involved.

Mikewlf337's avatar

I don’t know. Would that guy help me if I were in the same situation? I guess it would depend on what I had to do in that 1 minute time. Anything paying that much would have to be messed up so probobly no.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@Mikewlf337 Sadly, that’s a good point.

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