Does anyone feel like they aren't a serious person any more?
I used to like to answer religious and economic and political and other issues of the day questions. I still do, but a lot less, and I’m unlikely to put more than one answer on the question.
Now, I stick with the light questions—dreams and boyfriends and craziness, oh my!
Would you characterize your question answering behavior as more serious or more light? Have you changed your preference while you’ve been here? If so,why have you changed?
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54 Answers
Most of my answers are serious, though I tend to make a joke out of things and be irreverent. That’s just the way I am…
Unless this is a serious question, I don’t want to answer it.~
I don’t jump into as many political “discussions” as much as I used to because changing someone’s mind doesn’t pay well.;)
As my story says: “90% sarcasm, 5% controversial, 100% serious.”
In my case it’s burn-out…simply got tired of arguing.
95% Social, 3% General, 2% Meta.
I still answer serious questions on topics I feel like I have a personal stake in. I’m thinking of topics like rights for the mentally ill and for the LGBT community.
Other than that, I avoid more serious questions about politics and religion in general.
Although, I’m currently thinking of a question that might be considered controversial about religion.
@seazen_ Hah, that’s pretty much me too, but General would be 1% and Meta, 4%.
@erichw1504 Depending on how you look at it, you’re either missing 5% or have an excess of 95%.
I came in as a light-weight, and I’ll go out as a light-weight. While I sometimes provide a serious (truthful) answer about something personal, I definitely do not engage in the political, religious, current affairs, culture clashes, gender- or race-biased questions, and anything that might remotely cause me to defend my position. I get enough of that in real life and prefer my Fluther experience to be a lighter experience.
Would you characterize your question answering behavior as more serious or more light?
Serious I guess, though it’s not uncommon to insert humor if it can be used appropriately and if the tone of the conversation is conducive to a bit of levity.
I try to carefully choose what I say when answering questions, so that lends to the more serious tone of my answers. Online remarks can be easily misinterpreted (as I’m frequently reminded) so I really have to watch my tone to avoid someone getting their panties in a twist.
I apologize in advance for the “panties” remark. This was merely a figure of speech…not an insult to women, ladies, girls, cross-dressers, transvestites, transgender fe-males, or freaks.
@erichw1504 I’m bad at math.I wanted to say 100% Meta – I always check it out – but I ran out of percentages ~.
It’s not that I’m any more or less serious but there are certain types of “serious” questions I simply avoid because much of the time they end up covering the same ground all those questions have already covered and nothing ever comes of it and they generate too much drama sometimes. Life is too short for all that.
But you still ask serious questions @wundayatta, at least you have given up asking them.
No. I’m as serious as I have always been, but I currently have very little interest in the “serious” questions. Most of the questions are just rewordings of past questions. Been there. Answered that.
I find I’m shying away from the political debate questions of late; I don’t think anyone’s mind will be changed and I’m just tired and fed up with politics. And kind of like in a family, we all know where we stand and the arguments have been had..
I have a sense of “burn out” in that no matter how much effort you put into it, they seldom appreciate what effort you made.
I also feel like we’ve dealt with so many similar relationship questions that one has to really stand out or I have to be in a certain mood to weigh in on them.
@lillycoyote I still ask serious questions, although I think the topics are more emotionally oriented or human behavior related. I don’t do political or science or any of the other serious topics any more. In any case, I think my change has been more in my preferences for the questions I answer.
I also feel like @janbb, I think. The questions that end up in backs and forths ad nauseam don’t appeal to me. The back and forth doesn’t interest me any more. If it ever did.
@wundayatta That’s why I like your serious questions. People rehashing the same political and religious arguments doesn’t really accomplish much, but you asking a question like “What can be done to reduce (eliminate?) the stigma of mental illness?” ... that’s a serious and important question and the answers and the discussion might really leading to something, and insight, a change of mind or heart maybe. I’d rather have those kind of questions asked, personally. I thought that one was very good though I haven’t answered it. I’m pondering and meditating on my response right now. :-).
I prefer levity any day of the week, so I too rarely engage in any heated, hardcore, ‘woes of the world’ discussions.
I did put my 2 cents in the health care reform question the other day, but…meh….I got over being codependant and carrying the weight of the world years ago.
I prefer keeping my focus on the happier side of life.
I do enjoy answering some questions where I feel I might be able to interject a little wisdom or experience, especially with the younger crowd, but…all in all, hold the heavy cream and dish up the cool whip lite. ;-)
@wundayatta You think about your responses? Wow. What a novel concept…!
My answer is similar to @tinyfaery and @janbb (would that make me a tinypenguin? – penguinfaery?
There are certain subjects (adoption, children) that I’ll jump into with both feet and be serious about – but I’m pretty burnt in religion and really burnt on politics.
I definitely spend more time in Social, but I still can’t bring myself to answer the “Does he love me?” questions.
I was….am & will remain a silly tw@! Got to admire my consistency though ;¬}
Politics interest me less. I figure that will pick up again in several months when we know better who might run against Obama and we get a clearer picture of where the stand on issues.
Lately I am liking some of the questions from some of our newer young jellies. And, just wanting to be chatty with my favorite jellies on any random topic.
Yep, my indian name would be ’ she comes to talk.’ lol
I’m serious when I think I can help someone with a problem. That is, after all the main purpose of this site (or it used to be). It’s why I came here, because I needed help.
I also like to have fun now that their is a social section, (not that fun wasn’t allowed before) but it is nice to be a bit more social than we were allowed before.
I don’t think I’ve changed.
Just want to say that @jonsblond was pretty fucking sweet to me when I first joined and had a problem. Helpful indeed.
I never have been a serious person, here or anywhere else.
There is no shortage of seriousness in the world. It’s everywhere.
Laughter, on the other hand . . .
@Jude takes one to know one. You do know we both started on the same day too. We share the same Flutherversary. =)
@ucme I don’t know about admire – but certainly consistant.
@seazen_ Backhanded compliments, always much appreciated.
Lurve you buddy. I just can’t find the fucking tilde. Your questions are really great.
@seazen Tilde located at the top left corner of the keyboard, below the ESC.
I am much more serious than I used to be. I don’t like that change.
@seazen_ They are? Oh, that’s right…....for a second there I thought you said my questions really grate! Heaven forbid.
Your questions are generally great – even social questions have to be provocative – like wundays.
Cheers for that…...(dare I say it)........bud.
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I have always tried to not take anything seriously, however there are some subjects that are near to my heart and I can’t seem to stop myself from throwing in my 2 cents worth even though I know I will get booed and hissed for it.
But as they say, you may be the only big book some people ever see, so I have to say what I have to say!
Having never been on a Q&A site before joining Fluther, I didn’t really know what to expect, so I tried my hand at answering any question I could. Now that I know my way around, I realize I’m not a serious person anymore. What happened? I don’t know. Chalk it up to questions overload.:D
Depends on my mood but really, I don’t want to get too serious on Fluther. I see Fluther as a place of relaxation and hopefully fun and along the way if something I say here helps someone whether it be a question from general or social, great.
@Coloma You’re eating those brownies, aren’t you. ;)
Like @Mz_Lizzy, it depends on the mood I’m in. Sometimes I just feel like joking around, other times I feel like answering questions that I can relate to. Sometimes, I just read what others have written, whether it’s because I’m too lazy to type at that moment, or I’m hurting too much to talk about a given topic that hit too close to home…
I’m more or less the same person, but I don’t answer serious threads as much anymore. Mostly, it’s because the serious questions aren’t really that new, and I have nothing new to offer: Everyone already knows where I stand on various political and religious issues, so why spend time on something that won’t have a new result?
@Coloma That had nothing to do with anything – but it was interesting. You had me at ego and selfish. If you’d like – I’d gladly flag you.
For some reason I was just reminded of ”[mod says] please take this discussion to pm’s.” Anyone here remember those days? lol Silly banter was not allowed. Some people don’t appreciate how lucky they have it now. :D
I still have an interest in the more serious questions, but often I find myself answering sillier or less serious questions. I definitely don’t come here just to argue and I enjoy answering more fun questions where the answers are simply sharing experiences or opinions that won’t lead to argument. But I’m very much an opinionated person and when the opportunity comes up for argument/debate about something more, I’ll be seizing it. It just has to be an interesting question…
@jonsblond LOL. {This conversation is best suited for the chatroom. This should be written in PM not here. Thank you for your co-operation. Have nice day.)
@SABOTEUR SLANDER!!! Just show me one instance where I said I think about my responses. Just one! I demand an apology. Thinking?!? The very idea!!!!
Haha, actually, no, just too many windows going on.
@seazen_—Thank You for your generous offer. lol
After growing up a little and trying to tamp down my anger at the world, I tend to stick to lighter subjects that are less likely to piss me off.
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