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twothecat's avatar

What's it like in Jaipur, India at night?

Asked by twothecat (394points) April 30th, 2011

I know that the streets are crammed with all kinds of people, animals and activity during the day, but I was wondering if anyone had roamed the streets at night, and if so, was it deserted? I’m writing a story, and need to know a little about what it’s like downtown after midnight.

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8 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

It’s a huge city (3.5 million people) and it has a large infrastructure and typical southern India weather, including monsoon season. I would imagine that downtown after midnight would not be a singular experience.

Why did you pick Jaipur as your setting for the story?

morphail's avatar

Jaipur is in northern India. It’s in the desert, so it can get cold at night.

twothecat's avatar

That’s only one of the settings.. the story involves a lot of travel. The characters are on an adventure.. and just came from Turkey.

gailcalled's avatar

@morphall; We’re either both right or both wrong. Jaipur seems to be almost in the exact middle of India.


Jaipur has a hot semi-arid climate (receiving over 650 millimetres (26 in) of rainfall annually but most rains occur in the monsoon months between June and September. Temperatures remain relatively high throughout the year, with the summer months of April to early July having average daily temperatures of around 30 °C (86 °F). During the monsoon there are frequent, heavy rains and thunderstorms, but flooding is not common. The winter months of November to February are mild and pleasant, with average temperatures ranging from 15–18 °C (59–64 °F) and with little or no humidity. There are however occasional cold waves that lead to temperatures near freezing

morphail's avatar

@gailcalled I’d say it’s more north than south, but whatever. Southern India to me means the Dravidian-speaking states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, etc.

gailcalled's avatar

@morphall: I’m happy with either. And my knowledge comes from looking at a map. You sound as though you have first-hand experience, which certainly trumps mine.

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