General Question

XYZZYtja's avatar

Can bus drivers get tickets from the police?

Asked by XYZZYtja (233points) June 7th, 2011

Can bus drivers get speeding tickets too?
If yes, how does this work? Do they also have to pull over?
Or do their superiors get the ticket? (the Company they work for)

Tell me what you think about this, or if you know something about this.
If no, why can’t they?

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10 Answers

meiosis's avatar

In the UK at least, all drivers are subject to the same laws. If the ticket is issued by a speed camera, it is sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle, who has a legal obligation to inform the authorities of the driver’s identity. Even Ambulance drivers can get speed-camera tickets (though if the blue lights are on they can appeal them)

jrpowell's avatar

I was on a Greyhound bus from San Diego to Sacramento and the bus was pulled over for speeding. The driver got a ticket. I don’t know who paid but my guess is the driver. And he probably got fired too.

creative1's avatar

Bus drivers are subject to the same rules of the road as we are and they have their job on the line if they screw up bad enough.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes. There was a school bus driver recently who got pulled over for erratic driving, and was taken in for DUI. The children on the bus had to be transferred to another bus.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Of course. He’s driving on a public road and is subject to the same laws as anyone else.

65Stang's avatar

i was on a tour bus that got pulled over for speeding on base and he received a ticket

jca's avatar

Yes. Here in NY, there was a tour bus a few months ago that crashed because the driver fell asleep at the wheel. After, there was a crackdown where they were pulling over tour buses and checking the IDs of the drivers, and found some that had no license. There was another tour bus crash here a few days ago, the driver was falling asleep at the wheel. Yes, buses are subject to the rules of the road like everyone else.

john65pennington's avatar

Bus drivers also must obey the traffic laws.

I have worked radar many times and clocked buses at 72 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. They receive citations just like everyone else.

If the bus happens to be owned by the local or state government, a call is made to their supervisor, also. This phone call usually gets the driver terminated, plus paying his own fine.

Bus drivers have a serious job. They are responsible for the safety of transporting not just themselves, but other people and children.

I once wrote a traffic citation to a school bus driver for speeding. The driver had a bad attitude, so I called his supervisor. The bus was loaded with children. His supervisor fired him on the spot and called for another driver.

Driving a bus is a serious occupation.

Blueroses's avatar

Any driver of a commercial vehicle can be cited. Sometimes the company will pay the fine if the driver was under pressure to make a deadline for the company, but the violation goes against the driver’s personal record regardless. A holder of a CDL may get a moving violation on the job that effects rates on personal vehicle insurance.

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