What is the craziest thing that your pet has ever done?
Asked by
Bryburn (
July 8th, 2011
Everyone has a great pet story of their pets doing the most crazy things; eating thanksgiving dinner, chasing joggers, getting into alcohol, those kind of things. So let me have it, What is the craziest thing that your pet has ever done?
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51 Answers
To start things off, my old dog Sparky was a beagle he did the usual things climbing fences, barking at dogs, chasing joggers. But one day he had to go outside to do his buisness as I was walking acaross the street to get groceries. Since it was across the street I chained him to the porch for 5 minutes, while I got some food. When I get back, I see my cute little knee-high beagle running around with the detached railing of my front porch. Yep, my dog tore down my front porch. I’ll miss ya Sparky.
Sadie is pretty new for us…but she did find my reading glasses in the woods behind my house I had lost 5 days earlier. That was pretty cool in my book!
My dog Bear once barked me awake at three thirty in the morning and proceeded to recite, word for word, the Gettysburg Address. He then promptly turned around twice, flopped down, and went to sleep.
i forgot to mention that bear is a dick
My pussycat, every day, all the day, imitates a cat that is close to starvation due to lack of food for three weeks.
I would not be surprised if one day soon she’ll learn how to operate the tin opener herself.
My cat, Patches, would open the sock drawer and gently take a rolled up pair of socks out. She would mew as she walked them down the hall, then set them down. Back to the drawer, another pair of socks, put about 1 foot away from the first. Repeat (mewing included) until the entire hall was full of carefully spaced socks… I mean, baby kittens.
She would also give me back massages. You know how cats do that kneading thing? She would do that while standing on my back.
I dreamed about her for years after she died.
My old Himalayan mix cat ” Gadwicke” who died last year was protective and territorial like a dog.
He literally jumped on a Rottweiler in my yard once and rode that dog up the hill squealing the whole way. haha
He also attacked my gardeners super mellow Golden retriever and rode her across the yard too. Rodeo cat to the rescue!
My silly goose ‘Marwyn’ who just turned 13 plays with the hose in his pool. He uses his beak to adjust the flow of the rubber nozzle and spends hours flinging the hose around.
When he gets tired of playing with it he flings it out of his pool.
And of course, everyone knows how fond he is of going in the hot cold tub!
He stares up at it and waits for those magic words..“Wanna go in the big, BIG, tubby? lol
My Dutchess dawg gets into the dangdest positions!
My other dog, the one in my avatar did something REALLY crazy for her. Two stray dogs attacked Dutchess and Dakota just tore them up. I didn’t know she could do that….I’ve never heard her growl. She’s never snapped. She’s always been very calm and cool…just like in her picture. I was amazed. It scared me a little too….
I had 2 cats a while ago . They always ate and I mean always .
Once I made a soup . I let it on the oven to cool .
One of the cats jumped on the counter , toked the hood [ or is it lid ? ] off and then ate my soup or at least the meat . The cats shared it .. I had to cook again .
I politely asked my dawg Penny to pass me the remote once, dopey bitch completely ignored me. I mean, what’s all that about eh?
Yes, same with my cat, he was just this floppy, drooly loverboy, until a dog dared to infiltrate his space, then, he was all teeth and claws. haha
Your white shepherd is beautiful, I love shepherds!
Okay, I feel guity now for dissin ma hound. Must make up for it, she sits in my lap when i’m at the computer & follows the little cursor arrow on the screen intently. Won’t take her eyes off it, well it makes me smile anyway.
One of my cats got into the inside of the front of my car. Not, where the engine is, but he went in under the dashboard of the passenger side. We were just leaving the vet’s office and even they couldn’t get him out. So, we literally had to drive home with him in there (worry not; he was behind the firewall). Mind you, this was in the middle of the summer. He was breathing hard. After we got home, we had multiple people attempt to get him out. Four hours later, I just freaking tore the entire dashboard apart and popped him out of the top.
Probably, one of the craziest days of my life. He is fine now and doing well. I was even able to put the dashboard back together!
You’ve GOT to read this story @erichw1504, about a cat whose head got stuck in a garbage disposal!!!! It is freakin hilarious! AND it’s true!
My cats work together to open closed doors. Im dead serious. One pushes while the other jumps on the door handle. Its so difficult to keep them in one room when we need to, like when we were doing a remodel and the workers asked us to keep the cats out of the way. We had to literally pile furniture infront of the door so the cats couldn’t get out!
My cat occasionally runs off with various pairs of my fresh from the dryer underwear. Little shit goes after the really pretty ones too.
And I used to have a cat who loved lettuce and tomatoes and would play fetch like a dog.
Haha..I have a friend whose cat was obsessed with the printer, he was fascinated with pushing the button and watching the paper come out. They would come home to like 60 sheets of paper scattered around the room. lol
My cat swallowed a whole condom and choked. I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard a weird sound, and somehow in the dark I instinctively knew what was going on, stuck my fingers down his throat and pulled the whole thing out. I have no idea how I knew, but I just acted. I probably saved his life. Stupid cat. :)
@ANef_is_Enuf My question is why was there a condom out of its packaging just lying around?
Also, was it used?
It wasn’t out of the packaging. Apparently he chewed through the packaging and ate the condom. He also opens doors and cabinets, so that is how he got to it.
When my daughter was about 8 she came running downstairs crying that one of her Goldfish ” Large”, she named them Small, Medium and Large, haha was choking on a piece of gravel he had inhaled. I wasn’t terribly concerned and told her I was sure he would spit it out and be just fine. I thought she was over reacting. Apparently the fish WAS really choking and she grabbed him and gave him the fish Heimlich maneuver! lol
To this day ( she is almost 24 ) when that story comes up she reminds me how upset she was I didn’t believe her! Oh well..can’t win ‘em all, so far she hasn’t asked me to pay for any therapy. haha
@Coloma LOL! I had to GA you just for the names of the fish!!
@Coloma oh my gosh, that happened recently to my fish.. except he choked on a pea! I had to squeeze it out of him. Who would have thought fish could choke?
Wait…did she save the fish, Large C??
Yes, Large lived for a few more years. He was huge!
They are ( all 3 of them ) in the old pet cemetary. haha
As kids we’d bury all the dead animals we found. There was Berry Bluejay and Max Mole and…some others. I don’t remember their names.
My dog faked a limp while out for a walk because I was taking her the wrong way; she wanted to go to her favourite park, and she wanted me to stop. As soon as we went the right way, her limp was miraculously healed.
I had a cat that really did use up his nine lives.
1. He climbed out of the window onto the awning and then couldn’t get back down. It was a two-story house and we had to get a ladder to get him down.
2. Same cat went missing for two days. I put signs up around the neighbourhood. The man next door phoned me to say he thought he had found my cat. We assume he was chased by the dog next door and decided to hide in the wheel arch of the man next door’s car. The man didn’t know. He drove to the shops and home and then heard the meowing. The man had to remove the engine from his car so we could get to the cat. He had been in there for a couple of days we think and was so frightened and stiff he couldn’t get out. He was rescued though and was fine.
3. The man across the road’s baby budgie escaped and ended up in our garden. A ‘carry on type’ chase involving budgie owner, husband and other neighbour ensued as they tried to find the budgie. From my lounge room, I saw the cat pass the window with the budgie held tightly in his mouth. After another ‘carry on’ worthy chase followed, until the cat was caught. The men then held the cat and tried to get him to release baby budgie from his mouth. The cat was not giving up easily. The men got a bucket of cold water… cat, now wet through, finally released budgie .. men and cat stood looking down at the now gnarled budgie on lawn….......... :-\
I miss my little terror of a cat. He died aged 18 after a full and raucous life.
…did the budgie die?? : (
We had a cat named Charlie once. He would fetch. We had a party once. We set up a badminton net. Rather than being alarmed at all of the people, Charlie sat under the badminton net looking left, then right, then left, then right, watching the birdie. As soon as one came within reach he’d GRAB it and bring it to me.
Sadly yes @Dutchess_III. The budgie was not well after the excitement….
Well, a possum got Charlie while we were out of town. My bro-in-law, who was watching our house, buried him in the corner of the yard. We had Charlie before I had the two littlest kids, but we told Charlie stories to them when they were little. One time, about five years later, when I had my day care (I don’t know what precipitated this) My little daughter yelled, “OH NO!! A FOSSUM GOT CHARLIE!! WE GOTTA GO DIG HIM UP!!!” I was like, “O noes! Should I just let them dig?” Ach. I didn’t know what to do!
:-( possums can be very vicious. Aww…..
I have a feeling Clyde is going to show up at any moment now….
Who needs a cute pet when you can have Clyde….
@Bellatrix He’s so cute when you rub his belly. :3
I bet he would purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…................
And then feed me pizza in the hot tub.
How big is the hot tub… just pondering on whether Clyde can get in too.
Wow! Those Aussie Possums must be spomething! Our Opossum here is just this sluggish giant rat looking thing, they hiss and show all their teeth but they move like sloths. I have never heard of one killing a cat. :-)
How big ARE these possums? Like Kangaroo size or something? haha
@Bellatrix It’s super sized. Had to think in advance.
I imagine Clyde as a short man who looks like a wombat.
It was an American possum that killed @Dutchess_III‘s pet. They have big, big claws though @Coloma… I wouldn’t take one on here without a towel to protect my hands.
Aww he would be very cute then @KatetheGreat. That piccie of the wombat was exceedingly sweet… :D I think @Dutchess_III is covering her eyes in horror as she sees Clyde being violated on fluther :D
He scratched his way through the side door to our garage. In a way it was a good thing, because it alerted us to the fact that the door that was there was actually an interior door, instead of the solid core, exterior door that should have been there.
Oh! How could I forget the time by big, crazy hound dog stole an entire 3 lb. Pork Roast that was cooling on the counter and managed to wolf it down in the 5 min. I was out of the kitchen.
I couldn’t believe it!
Obviously he was the guilty party, he was curled up on the landing of our staircase looking EXTREMELY guilty.
You know how dogs get those ‘worried’ eyebrows and their eyes are darting around? lol
A few hours later he was sick as a dog and he had to go to the emergency vet for an IV and overnight treatment of Pancreatitis (sp?)
Vomiting, the runs, he was a mess!
THAT was one VERY expensive dinner!
Another time he was off leash on a trail where I thought nobody was around.
He had run ahead and was out of sight on the trail.
All of a sudden I hear this ” Woooooooooo!” He was SO loud and I went running to see what was happening, thinking maybe he treed an animal. I see him standing in the middle of these peoples camping spot, they are all hiding behind their RV and he is alternately baying with potato salad gargling in his throat.
He rushed into their campsite and scattered them all proceeded to eat like 4 plates of food
They were not amused, and I was humiliated beyond belief! Baaad Dog, baaaad!
That dog would have jumped through fire to get his lips on any kind of food. :-/
lol@Coloma, he sounds like a complete hoot and a beautiful dog. Awww….
He was! His name was ” Ruckus”, very appropriate. When he howled
pictures went crooked on the wall and the piano vibrated.
How gorgeous! :-) I love big dogs like that…
LOL @Coloma! You must order a delivery pizza for that dawg so’s he can meet Clyde!
That “worried look” story reminded me. Not long after we got Dakota, she crapped in the laundry room. Don’t know why, but she did. I was too tired at the moment to deal with it. I noticed that all day Dakota was acting all depressed and guilty. I noticed her glancing worriedly at the laundry room a few times as she passed by. It didn’t hit me until later, after I took her in the laundry room and scolded her, that she picked back up and started acting normal again. It hit me then…she’d just been waiting in dreadful anticipation ALL DAY for the other shoe to drop! Poor thing. I should have whacked her right away so she didn’t have to spend the whole day in miserable anticipation! I felt so bad…
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