General Question

gimmedat's avatar

Suspension? Expulsion? What, if either, should apply?

Asked by gimmedat (3951points) April 30th, 2008 from iPhone

If two high school students get into a fight off-campus, to the point that one of the students is injured severly enough to require a hospital stay and was not the aggressor, should the other student face disciplinary action through the school?

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23 Answers

Breefield's avatar

No, this isn’t withing the jurisdiction of the school. Punishment and repayment is up the parents of the students as well at the police depending on the severity.

gailcalled's avatar

Wouldn’t it be a matter for the police, since it was not on school property. If I were a school administrator, I would keep an eye on the perp., however.

gimmedat's avatar

As the parent of the injured student, would you feel comfortable sending your student back to school knowing that’s the only contact he/she would have with the aggressor? I am talking a beatdown similar to the recent YouTube debacle. Those girls should be allowed back to their traditional school? I have a hard time believing the school has no say in that.

sleuth9216's avatar

no school .they need to mind their own buisness

gailcalled's avatar

If the school is Independent (ie. private) it can take disciplinary action. I am not sure about the public schools. And we really need to know more details.

gimmedat's avatar

Public school. Police are involved. Charges pending.

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

I would sue the student’s family for any damage caused, and it depends on how close it is to the school. In San Antonio’s NEISD district, if you get in a fight within 300 yards of a campus, you are subject to school related violence and can be charged with whatever the campus police feel necessary.

gailcalled's avatar

Was there a history of hostility or aggressive behavior between the two students? How old are they?

gimmedat's avatar

One other interesting side note: when the school’s administration was contacted, they related that police interviews were being conducted at the school. Doesn’t that impart school involvement?

sndfreQ's avatar

A restraining order can be filed against the perp, and depending on action district policy, the victim may qualify for an intra-district transfer to another school or home study if deemed as a last option. My youngest sibling (sister) is currently going through a similar circumstance.

gimmedat's avatar

14, 15. Some history of aggression, never physical.

gimmedat's avatar

@sndfreQ How unfortunate that the victim leave his/her school?

gailcalled's avatar

It is hard to know what is going on between police and school unless you have inside info. Maybe police are interviewing other students to gather more info?

sndfreQ and xxpork (you have to shorten that name ;-P) have the best ideas; restraining order and a civil suit.

gimmedat's avatar

Oh yeah, all the civil stuff is going down. I agree that’s the way to go, I just can’t reconcile within myself that the aggressor(s) have access to someone hurt so badly. High school is challenge enough, having to be fearful of threats, retribution, hostility from those who have proven such cruelty is unsettling at best.

gailcalled's avatar

Agreed. Are you a friend of the injured student or a concerned adult?

gimmedat's avatar

Concerned parent of another student, not involved.

gailcalled's avatar

Is it a school where occurences like this are frequent? Or rare.

gimmedat's avatar

As far as I know, pretty rare. I happen to teach in a nearby very urban setting, where there are policies in place that address off -campus violence with the same fervor as on-site occurances.

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

Well to what would happen to students who fight in Northeast San Antonio, you goto AHS (Alternative High School) for 30 school days or 6 full weeks. And if something like serious bodily injury occurs, then they goto 30 school days of TYC(Texas Youth Commission) then 30 school days of JJA(Juvenile Justice Academy) and then 30 school days of AHS before being readmitted to public school. Also previous offenses come into the equation as well making the consequences vary but stay along the same path.

gailcalled's avatar

I would think that the school administration should have to sit down w. all interested parents and have an open discussion, at the very least. Learn what school and district policies are. xxpork says some very interesting things.

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

thank you gailcalled

amandaafoote's avatar

I hate when schools get involved in things that have nothing to do with them. School should only deal with ordeals inside of their building/campus.

cheebdragon's avatar

only if the fight took place on the way to or from school.
my principal told me back in high school, “if your going to do something stupid go home first, then after that you can do whatever you want and the school wont be responsible… go back to detention Victoria”

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