Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Do you sometimes have not an opinion on a subject?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) September 22nd, 2011

I was watching a television show on immigrants that moved to Holland to be with their loved ones.
One guy was from Gambia and he fitted in perfectly.
His girlfriend said that she liked the fact that he regularly has no opinion on things she worded it in a way that it sounded not as if he was ignorant about certain subjects, but he just didn’t think about everything, and/or didn’t think those subjects were of interests to him.
That made me think that a lot of people do have opinions on (almost) everything at least, I do (on many subjects).
Are there subjects that you don’t have opinions on?
If so, why?
Not knowledgeable (enough)?
Not interested?

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47 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

As much as it may surprise some jellies, there are plenty of subjects on which I have no opinion. Often times, it is because I simply don’t know enough to work out a view. Other times, I just don’t care.

tom_g's avatar

I don’t have opinions about most things – mostly because I don’t know anything about most things.

Edit: Beat that! Most/mostly makes an appearance three times in this awkward shit of a “sentence”.

wonderingwhy's avatar

If pressed I’d probably find I have an opinion about damn near everything, however it’s not always a considered opinion.

Blackberry's avatar

Some things I don’t care about, and some I don’t know enough about to have an opinion, then there’s things I don’t know about at all.

linguaphile's avatar

I do have topics I have no opinion on— one is the value of perfectly coordinated sofa/chair/window dressing combinations or the perfect diet pills combination. I sat through a hour long conversation, unable to leave at that point, between female friends on that topic. Tedious, to say the least. NASCAR, tennis, sport fishing tournament are other areas that I have so little interest in, therefore have no opinions on.

I do have an opinion on “having no opinions.” My ex was so broadly devoid of convictions of any kind that one day during our second year of marriage, I asked him, “If you feel strongly about nothing, then how do I know you feel strongly about me?” 10 years later…ah… I finally realized he really didn’t. I’m leery now of people who always choose neutrality.

flutherother's avatar

I would have an opinion on everything but I rarely have time to work out what it is.

Bellatrix's avatar

There are things I have no opinion on. Perhaps I don’t know anything about the topic. Or I know a little about different sides of the story but not enough to form a firm opinion. Or I may just not care enough to have invested the energy to form an opinion.

Coloma's avatar

I have an ” it is what it is” attitude and a ” lets babble about it anyway” ego. lol

ucme's avatar

I’ve no opinion on why cows have a square arse, they just do.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Hmmm. You know, I’m not quite sure…

tranquilsea's avatar

Anything I don’t have an opinion on interests me as I love finding out new information.

Kayak8's avatar

I don’t have an opinion on what your dream means.

I don’t have an opinion on whether your junior high boyfriend (this week) likes/doesn’t like you (this week).

I don’t have an opinion on whether that rash (for which you posted a picture) is related to the scallops (to which you are allergic) that may or may not have touched the hamburger you ate at lunch two days ago. SEE A DOCTOR, the internet is not the best source for medical advice! (Well, that last bit is, in fact, an opinion).

I don’t have an opinion about your faith tradition (unless it chooses to infringe on my rights), your race, your sexual orientation, your gender identity, your country of origin, etc.

I have no opinion on your wardrobe, hairstyle, ideas for a new hairstyle, nor do I have an opinion on “does this outfit (see photo) make my butt look big,” etc.

I don’t have an opinion as to which computer you should buy or what software you should run thereon. I don’t know if $250 a side of beef is a good price where you live (because I don’t know where that is either).

And I have no opinion on your freakin’ homework!

Coloma's avatar


LOL I agree, although I did advise someone to eat a bowl of cherries for their constipation issues today. haha

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

There are many topics that may have great importance in different localities but which have little impact on my life and experience.

I have often become concerned about issues in the world over which I have little control and which may not directly affect the quality of my life. This happened as I have been made aware of such issues by others more knowledgeable or concerned about those issues than I was.

I know a lot about a number of things. I know much less or nothing about many more things.
I try to avoid forming and expressing opinions about things about which I know little or nothing. On occasions, I may seek to inform myself about new topics and issues and once I feel better informed, I may formulate an opinion or develop an attitude towards this subject.

I am content not to have an opinion on every possible issue! I simply lack the time and energy to know about and become involved in every matter that may be important to others in other places and situations. I try to care and take action where I can. Thinking globally and acting locally generally works best for me. In many other cases, I am content to allow many issues to drift by me without generating either an opinion or response from me.

Coloma's avatar


Nicely said. :-)

downtide's avatar

I have no opinion on many political issues, especially those relating to US domestic politics. I’m just not interested, and don;t care enough to learn about it.

No opinion on most sport either. While I enjoy watching a game, I donlt follow any particular team and I know nothing about any of them.

And you can completely forget trying to engage me in a discussion about television programms. My only opinion on TV is “I’d rather switch it off”.

filmfann's avatar

I’m not sure.

creative1's avatar

Yes all the time and I just bypass the question and let the other give theirs

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. You know, I think I do. I don’t always feel a need to express it though.

fizzbanger's avatar

Yep, sometimes it’s better to just smile and nod, because you know that the person that has a stronger opinion (and is more passionate about something) will just run you to the ground, because they like hearing themselves talk about (insert subject here).

martianspringtime's avatar

If I don’t, give me a minute and I’ll come up with one.

No but honestly – I’m quite indifferent to the majority of celebrities. If I don’t like them, I generally can’t garner enough concern to dislike them (with the main exception of Taylor Swift).
I also don’t have much of an opinion on a lot of things that people do that don’t cause any harm to someone else.
There are some questions I see on Fluther that I just pass by because I don’t care much one way or another and don’t want to babble about my apathy just for the sake of posting something. A lot of these though are on topics that I’m simply not very knowledgeable about, so I guess if I knew more about them I might have an opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, @martianspringtime then your opinion abut celebrities is they are over-rated, unimportant aspects of our society. And I agree!

This is interesting to think about. By not caring enough about something enough to have an opinion means….you DO have an opinion, and in your opinion it’s not important. I’m feeling profound right now! Or…could be the Natty Lite…maybe. : )

Hibernate's avatar

Yes. There are a lot of times where I didn’t had to contemplate enough so I don’t really have an opinion for any situation.

lillycoyote's avatar

It’s pretty rare for me not to have an opinion about something, though I usually don’t have opinions regarding whatever the latest celebrity or murder scandal it is that’s sweeping the country because I just don’t follow those things because I really don’t care about them.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t know if I have opinions about everything, but I tend to develop them as I learn about things, and I’m interested in just about anything.

I kind of wonder what an opinion is, for purposes of this question. Does that mean you have thought about something or analyzed it in some way? Does it mean you can answer a question about the topic? Or does it mean you have to have an opinion about an issue of controversy with respect to the topic? Or do you merely (merely!) need to understand how the particular topic relates to other things in the universe in order to have an opinion about it?

Of course, since everything relates to everything else, it seems like it would be hard not to have an opinion about everything, as long as you understand the relationship of that thing to your own life. Seems to me, though, that a lot of people seem to think that a lot of stuff does not relate to their lives. I don’t get that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. What is your opinion about this question, ya’ll? : )

Bellatrix's avatar


Neizvestnaya's avatar

In this second leg of life of mine, I find I have no opinion on tons of stuff that doesn’t interest me enough to go and gather knowledge in order to even form an opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, @Neizvestnaya….that’s the thing about opinions. You don’t need knowledge! Or….so many think.

Coloma's avatar


But of course, lots of people just make them up as they go. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well! That’s just your opinion, @Coloma! Do you have any proof of this? Any cites for me? Hmmm? Have you asked Marwyn?? What does HE think?

Sunny2's avatar

I have a lot of no opinion reactions to questions. Mostly it’s because I don’t think I have anything to add to what has already said or I don’t care to take the time to put my opinion in words, or I don’t know enough to answer intelligently. Opinion is just that; someone’s reaction or judgment. I seldom feel I have much to say. I value Fluther because it gives me the opportunity to voice my opinion when I have one. Thanks for that.

Coloma's avatar


Gooswami says “Squank!”

Scooby's avatar

Beer mat’s, I never had an opinion on them until I realised they don’t provide them anymore….. Why is that?? Is it because people use them as Frisbees across the lounge bar & could potentially have someone’s eye out…….. ?
Or is because the company that manufactures them has gone bust……. Who knows?

Bellatrix's avatar

They don’t provide beer mats where you are @Scooby? How do they prevent rings of liquid on the bar or tables? Where I live they still use beer mats. My opinion on this is where you live they should resume using beer mats. They are practical and you can collect them (if you are so inclined).

Scooby's avatar


I’m afraid not :-/
The usual practice of preventing rings & drips for that matter lately, is to wear a long sleeved jumper / Top….. The last time I made enquiries the bar man shouted out to the manager that Lord Snooty wanted a beer mat, well there was only me at the bar…. I couldn’t see any Lord :-/….. Yes they are practical, I’ll just have to start a beer glass collection now & get myself a portable drip tray…... Lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Beer mats? I forgot what we were talking about…but I remember when I used to waitress at a restaurant that served beer. People would by 2, 3 pitchers of beer. I’d bring them over on my tray and as I was starting to set them on the table, invariably some “helpful” person would take one of the pitchers off to “lighten my load.” Well, the first time it happened I wasn’t ready and when the weight of that one pitcher left the tray suddenly, the whole tray full of 2 pitchers came up and back on me! What a mess! I thought this was important for you to know

Mariah's avatar

Yes, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it so long as it’s not a result of apathy.

There are subjects that I care about, yet I don’t feel qualified to make a decision.

For example, I am agnostic. I know “fence sitting” bothers some people, but as a mere 19 year old, I don’t feel qualified to declare to know anything about the nature of the universe, a subject that my ancestors have been pondering for thousands of years. I am an atheist leaning agnostic, so I suppose I do have a bit of an opinion, but I consider myself largely undecided.

On many economic topics I do not feel knowledgable enough to tell anyone what they should be doing, so I stay quiet. In the future I hope to learn more about economics because I don’t think a lack of opinion due to ignorance is a very good place to be, either.

Scooby's avatar

The point being, when developing an opinion on something, say for instance wondering where your beer mat is….. Sometimes it’s just best to let it go & not act on it as you run the risk of being shot down in flames, just like Lord Snooty did in my last post :-/ the reason I asked the bar man for a beer mat was because I came to opinion that they should have been on the table in the first place.
I tend to only offer an opinion where I feel knowledgeable enough to do so, even then you run the risk of being out gunned. :-/ such is life.

fizzbanger's avatar

Is a beer mat like a coaster? I gathered a whole bunch of them in Germany and the Czech Republic last month. All those huge mugs of beer… :)

Scooby's avatar

Yep, beer mat, coaster same thing……. I’ll soon be sampling the good stuff myself at the the London venue Bierfest, takes place October :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

—Beer mat? In Kansas we just call them ‘napkins.’.....I don’t understand the rest of the world sometimes.—-

Bellatrix's avatar

A napkin isn’t a beer mat where I live. A beer mat (or coaster) is usually made of cardboard and has advertising material printed on it. It is placed on the table to rest your glass on and to soak up moisture. As this link demonstrates, people collect them.

A napkin is usually made of fabric or paper and is placed on your knee to avoid food spills or to wipe your face during/after consuming food/drink.

And this ongoing discussion all goes to show, we do have opinions on beer mats.

Scooby's avatar

What @Bellatrix said ;-) spot on ‘B’

Dutchess_III's avatar

My only opinion of beer mats is that they are made out of napkins. Napkins are simply a very thin type of cardboard. Said beer mats are the best because they actually wrap up and around the glass and STICK. Coasters often stick just long enough to coast to the floor after you pick up your glass. Napkin beer mats often have advertising material on them as well…phone numbers, and profound, esoteric thoughts such as the ones all people who drink too much beer have.

KidCurtis's avatar

Of course, usually due to a lack of knowledge or just general apathy to the subject.

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