General Question

jca's avatar

Are there any specific privacy issues that I need to know about with the recently updated Facebook?

Asked by jca (36062points) September 23rd, 2011

I am someone who does not want anybody else other than friends reading my stuff. I also don’t want friends reading my wall posts to other friends.

Are there any issues I should know about with the new Facebook?

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11 Answers

bobbinhood's avatar

You can still limit your status updates, pictures, and such to only being visible to your friends, but you cannot control who sees when you post on someone else’s wall. You control who can see things on your own wall, and your friends control who sees things on their walls. If you want to say something to one person without your other friends seeing it, message the person instead of posting on their wall. Messages are private, while walls are public.

shrubbery's avatar

I just went through all the settings and unfortunately cannot find any privacy settings relating to that “ticker box” on the right hand side. This is really frustrating. You can still edit your wall settings, but I don’t know if that has any effect on this constantly updating list, because I see so many posts by my friends on peoples walls and statuses that I am not friends with, I can’t believe that quite so many people have their wall as a public or “friends of friends” rather than just friends, so it seems to me as if this ticker box is outside the realms of your elected privacy settings for your wall and what would appear on the main newsfeed. I’m not sure though.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

It is a “free” service, yet they are worth $4 Billion+.
That is because they sell all of your information to corporations. If you are worried about your privacy, I recommend to stop using facebook all together.

shrubbery's avatar

Upon further investigation, the ticker box does depend on your privacy settings already in place. I just never realised how lax people are with their settings, and that’s why I can see some posts and photos from people I’m not even friends with. They might have their settings for a particular photo album or their own wall posts set to “friends of friends” and while I wouldn’t have noticed it before because it wasn’t brought to my attention, I still would have been able to see the information/comments etc if I had gone looking. Now it’s all there for me right in my face. Sigh. Anyway, I’ve concluded that is hasn’t changed any of your privacy settings but you might want to go through and just double check your own settings again to make sure only the people you want to be seeing your stuff are. I am just now going to check my photo albums and stuff because I think the default setting for those were “friends of friends” and I might have forgotten to change the setting once or twice. While it might not have been such a big deal before because someone had to actively seek out my profile to look at the photos (so much effort, hah), now they will appear in the ticker box if a mutual friend comments.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I think that many people don’t realize that “friends of friends” might as well be “public”. Friends of friends adds up to a lot of people, and they are slightly more likely to care what you post than random strangers would be.

Improvements that have been added include the ability to edit your updates, and the ability to change the security settings on an update after you post.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I posted something on my profile that may or may not help you…

If you hover your mouse over a friend’s name, a box will appear that has a little “subscribed” button. Hover over the “subscribed” button and there will be a list with checkmarks. Uncheck the one that says “comments and likes”. I believe that removes the ability for others to see when you’ve commented or liked a friend’s status or whatever.

bobbinhood's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’m pretty sure that just makes it so it won’t tell you when they comment or like something. You are unsubscribing from their updates. It doesn’t affect their ability to see your updates.

SundayKittens's avatar

I feel very self-conscious now about liking or commenting….is it just me?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@SundayKittens No, it’s not just you. I purposely kept my friends list small, but am re-thinking using FB at all.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate As @bobbinhood described, the “subscribed” button is about what you can see in your newsfeed, not about what others can see.

jca's avatar

It’s so confusing. I liked it better when it was more simple.

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