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mazingerz88's avatar

[ NSFW ] What movie title would describe your bedroom life right now?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29032points) October 14th, 2011

Thanks for telling. : )

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55 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

As Good As It Gets.

(What a great question!)

AshLeigh's avatar

Sleeping With The Enemy?
Good Luck, Chuck
Free Willy.
8 Seconds
I’ve got nothing…
Great question though! :)

mazingerz88's avatar

@AshLeigh But those were funny answers! : )

augustlan's avatar

This morning: Some Like it Hot
Prior to that: Gone With the Wind

mazingerz88's avatar

Less Than Zero ( interesting 80’s movie though )

flutherother's avatar

The Big Sleep.

janbb's avatar

All Quiet on the Western Front

KateTheGreat's avatar

The Dry Land.

filmfann's avatar

No Country For Old Men

Scooby's avatar

Groundhog Day :-/

ucme's avatar

Clitty Clitty Bang Bang, at least I think that’s the movie, although it doesn’t sound quite right somehow.

HungryGuy's avatar

Airplane. Private pilots say that flying is hours of sheer boredom punctuated by brief moments of utter terror. My sex life follows pretty much the same model. Weeks and months of zilch interrupted by brief moments of intense pleasure.

TexasDude's avatar

An American in Paris

rebbel's avatar

Weird Science

filmfann's avatar

Grosse Point Blank?

AshLeigh's avatar

@mazingerz88, yes, but they would all be lies. Haha.

mazingerz88's avatar

@AshLeigh Drew Barrymore’s movie, Never Been Kissed might be more of a better fit for you. : )


@mazingerz88 I was going to say “The Poseidon Adventure”, but I thought something that’s on fire is better than something submerged.

HungryGuy's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES – I don’t know about that. Something submerged feels quite good, actually :-p


@HungryGuy Lol. Well, something that’s burning out of control needs to be put out and relieved too. ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

Rush Hour
Honey I Shrunk The Kids

AshLeigh's avatar

@mazingerz88… Nooooooooo. That would also be a lie.
Observe and report. (Haha)
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
Just Visiting.
I still got nothing. XD

mazingerz88's avatar

@AshLeigh Ok, you’re right. But this is it. This is the one.

Finding Nemo?

ETpro's avatar

I’ll just offer a pu on @filmfann accurate answer, How about No Cuntry For Old Men?

AshLeigh's avatar

@mazingerz88… That’s weird. XD
How about… The Silence Of The Lambs… XD

mazingerz88's avatar

@AshLeigh Perfect. Don’t change it, Jodie. ( the young version )

AshLeigh's avatar

@mazingerz88, deal. :)
Okay, one more. The Nun’s Story! :)
I love this thread. Haha. So many great movie titles. XD

linguaphile's avatar

Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Home Alone 3
Home Alone 4
(and lovin’ it!)

Adagio's avatar

Room with a View don’t let your imagination run away on you…

Pele's avatar

True Romance

Scooby's avatar

Stranger Than Fiction :-/

Bluefreedom's avatar

The Big Chill

EmptyNest's avatar

Saturday Night Fever

AshLeigh's avatar

I still love this question.
30 Minutes or Less.
Gone in 60 Seconds. Lol!
All That Heaven Allows. O.o
All the Kings Men.
Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore.
The Remains of the Day.
The Right Stuff.
I love this question so much…

mazingerz88's avatar

@AshLeigh Lol. So no “Iron Lady” on your list? : )

AshLeigh's avatar

Haha. I was just having a good time naming possible answers! :) This cracks me up.

mazingerz88's avatar

Don’t forget War Horse then, or better yet, We Bought a Zoo! Lol.

AshLeigh's avatar

I just watched The Cake Eaters. :D I eat cake in bed!
Stupid movie by the way.

janbb's avatar

Heat and Dust

LittleLemon's avatar

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sleepy Hollow. Yawn.

mazingerz88's avatar

Salmon Fishing in Yemen. : )

Smitha's avatar

Great Expectations!

AshLeigh's avatar

The fast and the furious. XD

ucme's avatar

^Ha, Gone in Sixty Seconds.

AshLeigh's avatar

^ probably.

linguaphile's avatar

The Dead Zone

mazingerz88's avatar

The Desolation of Smaug…lol…

AshLeigh's avatar

Hunger Games…

CalHoncho's avatar

Desert Sands

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