General Question

Charles's avatar

What are some general discussion (sports, history, personal finance, law, hobbies, religion, politics, etc) internet forums?

Asked by Charles (4826points) May 19th, 2012

What are some internet discussion forums that offer a wide variety of subjects such as sports, personal finance, health, retirement, law, etc? Forums were you can ask questions or reply to questions or even start topics with no question being asked.

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10 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

You are asking for an almost infinite number of answers. How about narrowing your question down to a few specific interests? (Then we can Google the forums for you.)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Soulpancake is pretty good for religious and spiritual talk.

Charles's avatar

“You are asking for an almost infinite number of answers. How about narrowing your question down to a few specific interests? (Then we can Google the forums for you.)”

How about we start with one or two?

gailcalled's avatar

Isn’t a few the same as two?

Charles's avatar

If you guys worked for me and I made this request of you and you came back with those responses I’d fire you.

gailcalled's avatar

Fair enough.

Sex forums here , since you asked.

lillycoyote's avatar

One good general one is though the format of the discussions are really more like a formal debate than a discussion but they have debates in all the categories you are interested in. They do have a forum also, that is a little more informal, but I’m not that familiar with that part of the site. is a good one for political and social issues, with a few other things tossed in. is a great site for religious topics. I mostly use it for reference but they have discussions too.

Those are sites I am familiar with.

If you’re looking for one stop shopping, a site with discussions about just about everything, you might try

That site was recommended as a good forum in an article I found but I don’t know anything about it.

You also might want to take a look at

That site lists hundreds of online forums with short descriptions of the forums, the number of members in the forum and the number of posts made. That may help you find something you like and the numbers are good indicators of how active the forum is.

Hope this helps.

Charles's avatar

“Hope this helps.”

Yes, thank you.

robmandu's avatar

I find that Fluther meets nearly all of my needs as the first place to go for general discussion.

P.S. I might have to quit my job if my boss asked me to do his personal research for him and held it over my head like he was doing me a favor.

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