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shilolo's avatar

Has anyone tried "the miracle fruit"?

Asked by shilolo (18085points) May 28th, 2008

I just read this article in the New York Times, and it sounds awesome! Anyone ever try this, and are the results as advertised?

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30 Answers

ebenezer's avatar

I never heard of it, but the concept is pretty exciting.

elchoopanebre's avatar

Haven’t tried it but now I definitely want to.

shilolo's avatar

I bet there is going to be a shortage of these little gems after this article is read broadly. Makes me want to throw a food tripping party myself!

Mtl_zack's avatar

that seems interesting. ill look into it. my friend’s dad is an importer/exporter. maybe he and i could do business…

spendy's avatar

this sounds totally awesome. I wonder what sauerkraut would taste like.

ebenezer's avatar

on second thought I don’t really like sweet. I’d give it a go though.

delirium's avatar

This looks incredibly intriguing!

breedmitch's avatar

I had a chef friend order some today after reading the article. The plan is for a dozen of us to try it next week! We’re super stoked. I’ll let you know how it goes.

shockvalue's avatar

Yeah I read about it on so I ordered some and tried them out. This stuff really works, and you can take the seeds and start growing your own once you’ve eaten the fruit. Only problem is they are kind of pricey. And beware; they go bad really quickly, so eat them fast!

I ate a lemon as if it were an apple and it just tasted like candied lemonade.

shockvalue's avatar

Don’t try it with beer though, although it takes away any bitter flavoring, it’s just gross.

marinelife's avatar

@shilolo Tongue firmly in cheek I say: Since the urine supplement idea was already taken, perhaps this has possibilities as a supplement you could market.

On a serious note, I wonder if it would have any impact for people who have lost their sense of taste.

shilolo's avatar

I don’t think it necessarily is a flavor enhancer (for people that have lost their sense of taste) as much as it somehow blocks the sour/bitter taste receptors, leaving mainly the sweet ones. I have to do some more research to find out exactly how this works. I wouldn’t mind founding the next Genentech… only for food! Wouldn’t really jive with my background in infectious diseases and goals of curing tuberculosis… but… SHOW ME THE MONEY!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ah man i would love to try miracle fruit. Its right up there at the top of list of fruits im dying to try along with mangosteens

ezraglenn's avatar

uberbatman: My sentiments exactly.

robmandu's avatar

Don’t you hate it when you read a Question as something else entirely?

spendy's avatar

@robmandu, bet you were confused. “How does this fruit make things sweet?” :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Alright so shockvalue says they work. If breedmitch likes them im definitely buying some and having a flavor tripping party

shockvalue's avatar

I got mine here. If you live in NY you can pick em up without extraneous shipping charges!

robmandu's avatar

Now available for cheap!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@robmandu do you know if they work?

robmandu's avatar

‘fraid not… but I’m considering trying ‘em.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Well if you try them, let me know how it goes.

delirium's avatar

I’ll let you know. I just bought a bunch.

El_Cadejo's avatar

sweet cant wait to hear. If its legit im definitely buying a bunch as well.

ezraglenn's avatar

@uberbatman, I too am on the edge of my seat. My friends and I have been talking about doing this for months.

delirium's avatar

It does work. I’m still exploring them. They’re not as good as I want ‘em to be. It requires more testing. I don’t think the tablets are as strong as the actual berries. The tablets themselves taste SO BAD. Its VERY hard to keep it in your mouth.

Radishes ruin the effect. You can still feel the acidic-ness in the back of your throat.

I need more ideas. So far i’ve tried bitter lettuces, lemons, unripe kiwis, pineapple.

delirium's avatar

(Seriously. I spent 40 bucks on these things. Lets have some fun with ‘em. Lets try and remember the fact that I don’t drink, so I can’t try it with beer.)

If my boyfriend were here, i’d be really tempted to… uh….. nevermind.

robmandu's avatar

Maybe try olive oil (straight up), mushrooms, jalapeno peppers, ketchup, mustard.

El_Cadejo's avatar

tabasco sauce and vinegar

desiree333's avatar

wow thats cool, i really want to try this now! mmmm i bet grapefruit tastes really good.

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